Amazon Japan (Page 2)

We buy Amazon’s lowest-rated smartphone “Eye-view Camera Hat” for easy, hands-free videography

And while it is, indeed, hands-free, it has a few other problems…

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We bought the latest in low-rated fitness technology from Amazon: the Nejirunba

And then we brought it to the office for everyone to test out!

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We buy Amazon Japan’s lowest-rated perpetual motion machine

Finally, proof that perpetual disappointment is possible!

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We test out the “chairless magic chair” that allows you to sit whenever, wherever you want

Does Masanuki wear the chair, or does the chair wear him?

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We try Amazon Japan’s lowest rated portable washing machine

Our latest foray into the world of low rated products makes us want to throw in the towel.

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Is Amazon Japan’s lowest-rated Shiba Inu tissue cover a good boy?

There’s only one place to keep a dog like this.

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We buy the lowest-rated sexy pillow on Amazon Japan

Don’t buy a sexy pillow without doing your homework.

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We test out the portable shower backpack Amazon recommended to us (which also only has two stars)

Why was this product recommended over others with better reviews? We try to find out. 

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We put together a 10-yen (US 8-cent) outfit on Amazon Japan…and problems ensued【Photos】

The limits of bargain-hunting aren’t the only things getting stretched.

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Amazon Japan’s lowest-rated beckoning cat good luck charm is full of lies, might be cursed【Pics】

Super-buff golden cat seemingly signals dark times ahead for our unlucky reporter.

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Can the lowest-rated portable bathtub on Amazon Japan make our office a relaxing bathhouse?【Pics】

It looks like a shoe and might break when you put water in it…so of course we bought it.

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We get ready for camping season with Amazon Japan’s lowest-rated wooden mug

It’s hard to imagine anyone finding this cup en-deer-ing.

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How to make money with Amazon Japan’s lowest rated, one-yen hat

Forget crypto. The real money’s in Straw Hat Big Size Sweat-Absorbing Quick-Drying Cool-looking Gentlemanly Natural Paper Adjustable Size 99% UV Cuts.

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Testing Amazon Japan’s best and worst Japanese demon costumes【Photos】

We get ready for Japan’s Setsubun celebration with the highs and lows of oni fashion.

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We celebrate Christmas with the worst tree we could find

It’s not the size of the tree that matters, but the balls that hang from it.

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Let’s get into the holiday spirit with some low rated Christmas decorations from Amazon Japan

This product belongs in the toilet.

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Our one-star Halloween mask from Amazon has arrived! …in mid-November


At least it sucks too.

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We buy the lowest-rated alarm clock on Amazon Japan

How bad can it really be?

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Japan’s “strongest roach killer” is frighteningly effective… We mean FRIGHTENINGLY effective

Fumakilla promises to kill all roaches in your home, but you have to ask yourself if that’s what you really want.

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6 years of Pokémon anime, 13 years of One Piece manga free-to-watch/read online due to coronavirus

299 episodes of Pocket Monster adventures and 594 chapters of pirate voyages offered for free to keep Japan’s spirits up as people avoid going outside.

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