From arranged marriages to dating apps, relationships in Japan have gone through a big transformation over the last 100 years.
Use of the app requires a registration fee, verification documents, and a virtual interview for residents of Tokyo to gain access to its services.
Chance to say “I do,” “Goodbye, Tokyo,” and “Kaching!” all in one fell swoop could be coming.
You can’t put a price on love, but Japan does put a price on how much you should give a newlywed couple.
The Japanese constitution requires couples to share a family name if they get married, but only one age group in survey comes close to agreeing with it.
Matchmaking event with a twist will have people looking for love while they look for Ghibli art.
Communication skills and thoughtfulness make men’s and women’s lists, but don’t come out on top.
Number of children Japanese women want also drops to lowest ever in latest iteration of government study.