Come for the heartwarming story of a famous artist actually getting time off to spend with family, stay for the weird Japanese linguistics lesson!
society (Page 28)
Japanese animation has long had a reputation for pushing the boundaries of what’s acceptable, but is it pushing too far these days?
Less overtime for some workers means more for others if no one’s changing how much total work needs to be done.
Online commenters have a strong reaction to textbook’s advice, but there might be another angle to consider.
Proposed revision, which allows for consummation of “serious relationships,” would actually be stricter than existing ordinance.
Because it’s hardly ever acceptable to play a musical instrument in an apartment complex in Japan.
A non-profit study sought to determine the best Japanese prefecture to live in, but found interesting discrepancies.
Don’t get your hopes up for one of anime and J-dramas’ longest romantic traditions to play out in your real life.
There’s one place in particular where Japanese people aren’t just not polite, they’re downright rude.
55-year-old politician thinks kids are ditching school because they’re spending too much time on their phones.