Posted by Casey Baseel (Page 424)
Centuries-old earthenware plate gets a special assist from a kitty in becoming an ultra-rare, ultra-cute antique.
Just because her eyes are up there doesn’t mean he’s checking out her boobs, Twitter user postulates.
Ad for Tokyo auditions lets would-be anime stars know that they won’t be working in the booth if they’ve previously done work with their clothes off.
Put a shirt on, you crazy kids!
Sure, Pizza Hut, but do you English?
Make a trip to the ATM, and depending on your balance you too might be able to outfit yourself like the hero of the anime and collectible card game.
Tradition and community are great, but there’s one more thing this Nagano celebration gets a boost from.
If only we could all feel as needed as the person whose arm we see in this video.
Here’s why they shut down Ferris wheels on windy days.
Anime fans have been seething for over half a decade about the Hollywood adaptation of the martial arts classic, but maybe this will finally cool their rage.
We can only hope it’s filled with classic games and AA batteries.
Second batch of themed intimate apparel rounds off representation of the hit series’ core cast.
Every day, thousands of commuters and tourists passing through Tokyo Station have to fight against decades’ worth of video game-developed conditioned responses.