Two-dimensional fighting game Fight of Gods offends me deeply, but I wonder how religious people feel about it.
video games (Page 70)
Like that summer in high school you spent flipping burgers at a fast food joint, Mario’s plumbing days are part of his past.
Strongest woman in the world and special forces operative inspire intimate apparel options.
As if gamers haven’t gotten enough great news from the scientific community, here comes more!
Brain-addled fans of the hugely popular Dragon Quest game series see it in everything around them.
It takes a big Poké Ball to catch a giant Pokémon.
Nintendo’s Mario has been the face of kid-friendly gaming for decades, but the ratings board doesn’t think his new adventure is for everybody.
Art and Pokémon stand the test of time; or, how to do a Pokémon remake properly without ditching characters.
Boyish da Vinci and van Gogh have special relationships with friends Michelangelo and Gauguin.