But are they worthy of the Marcolini name?

Mister Donut loves to collaborate with other big names in the world of sweets, and this year they’re delighting customers by reuniting with Belgian chocolatier Pierre Marcolini, who they first partnered with three years ago.

After enjoying the first five doughnuts in the collaboration’s two-part series, it’s now time to try out the second installment, which is smaller in size, consisting of only two doughnuts, but no less impressive, as they’re…

▼…shaped liked hearts!

Known collectively as Coeur Kokoro — a combination of the French and Japanese words for “heart” — this series serves up two flavours, caramel and raspberry.

▼ Let’s start the taste-test with the Coeur Kokoro Caramel.

The top of this doughnut is covered in pure white chocolate while the lower half is left bare, allowing the chocolate colour of the brioche-inspired cocoa dough to shine through.

▼ In between it all is a heavenly mound of sweet flavours.

The ganache whip in the centre is topped with salted caramel butter and a square of puffed grain bitter chocolate.

▼ The puffed grains in the chocolate give it a delicious crispiness.

The crunch of the chocolate piece adds an exciting contrast in texture to the fluffiness of the cream and chewiness of the doughnut, while the salted caramel brightens the flavour profile, adding a refreshing lightness to the richness. It was a truly impressive doughnut, raising our expectations for the next doughnut to follow.

▼ The Coeur Kokoro Framboise

The glossy red raspberry coating on this one immediately set our hearts aflutter, and when we lifted the top to peer beneath it, we spied a thick layer of white chocolate underneath.

▼ In the middle, the focus sat squarely on raspberry cream and chocolate.

This was a much richer doughnut, with deep flavours of cocoa that would make any chocolate lover’s toes curl in delight. The fruitiness of the raspberry was a terrific partner for the chocolate and cream, sending us into a sweet reverie that we usually only get from more high-end desserts.

These are fantastic doughnuts worthy of the Marcolini name, much like the previous five, which you can also find in stores at the moment. Priced at 367 yen (US$2.37) for takeout and 374 yen for eat-in, the Coeur Kokoro doughnuts are available for a limited time from 29 January.

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