China (Page 15)

Quick-thinking truck driver takes burning vehicle to fire fighters instead of calling them to him

“Hello? Yes, my truck seems to be on fire… No, don’t worry, I’m bringing it to you. See you in five!”

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Flaming dump truck seen speeding through undersea tunnel in Hong Kong 【Video】

If driving weren’t already nerve-wracking enough…!

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Young Chinese man placates angry girlfriend by cleverly rolling on the ground【Video】

Pay attention, guys. A bad pun might save your relationship some day.

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What do Japanese kids want to be when they grow up? Businesspeople

It does pay better than being a superhero, after all.

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Amazing time-lapse video from China shows 1,300-tonne bridge built in less than 43 hours【Video】

It took more time to design the plan than to actually construct the bridge.

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Police in China raise stakes on cybercrime with playing cards featuring wanted fugitives

Next time you play Go Fish, do it with 54 of Binyang’s most wanted.

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In the battle of car versus iron rails, iron rails win by T.K.O.【Video】

Though the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, always drive around the giant iron beams.

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Gorgeous Sailor Moon fan art makes us fall in love with the series all over again

We’ve seen loads of Sailor Moon fan artwork over the years, but these pieces by Chinese artist Sunmomo are some of the most ethereal-looking by far.

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Chinese website votes for the best “moe” male and female characters of 2015

Chinese website bilibili recently took a reader poll to find the most “moe” characters of 2015. Not only was the competition fierce, but the “cute dudes” top 8 was extremely surprising.

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The daily life of the leader of China and his entourage of bodyguards【Video】

Being the leader of the nation with the largest population in the world means a lot of attempts being made on your life. And that means an enormous bodyguard posse

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120-foot golden Chairman Mao golem attacked by trolls, taken down

With all the information technology around these days, it’s getting harder and harder to build a gigantic gold statue in peace.

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Boss sends employees New Year’s bonus via mobile app, fines anyone who opens it during work hours

Think your boss is cruel? Be glad you don’t work for this guy!

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Giant golden statue of Chairman Mao Zedong erected in the middle of nowhere in China

China, did you really think this one through?

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Man hospitalizes himself after gorging on cup ramen and cola

A young man recently had a brush with death after his epic snacking caused his stomach to fill with so much gas that it nearly exploded.

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A look at the innovative yet bizarre technology coming out of China【Video】

One YouTube vlogger explores some of the greatest tech Shenzhen, home to what many consider to be the world’s best electronics market, has to offer.

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Watch a century of Chinese beauty trends in less than a minute【Video】

In a continuation of Cut Video’s “100 Years of Beauty” series, the beautiful Leah Li displays the evolution of Chinese fashion through the decades.

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Unseasoned traveler hops into x-ray machine with luggage during airport security check【Video】

Ever wondered what the inside of a CT scanner looks like? One man in China will be able to tell you, after he hopped inside after his luggage during a security check.

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Pikachus squeezing through turnstile strangely adorable, possibly nightmare-inducing【Video】

Long lines of giant, waddling Pikachu aren’t exactly an unfamiliar sight around these parts, but the sight of them struggle to get through a turnstile is absolutely adorable!

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Japanese internet has brief but passionate love affair with hot Chinese cosplayer Huang Jingxiang

Girls in Japan are going gaga over this unbelievably perfect Chinese cosplayer, but much about him remains a mystery.

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China could give 100 million people new identities in a bid to save its economy

Chinese officials are set to discuss ways to stimulate the country’s sputtering housing market during its Central Economic WorkingConference later this month, according to Chinese state media.

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