
Filipino man jumps into ocean to save drowning boy in Japan, gives too-cool statement after

Real heroes don’t need thanks, or even a name, apparently.

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Frightening video shows Japan’s stop-and-listen-for-trains driving rule maybe isn’t so silly after all

Not exactly what you expect to happen at a railroad crossing with a gate.

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Someone crashed a car into Japan’s oldest restroom

Bathroom accident in Kyoto involves no poo, but there’s still a mess that needs cleaning up.

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Two men hit by woman falling out of window… who was looking at another man who fell off rooftop

Luckily, everyone involved is expected to pull through.

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Japanese roller coaster keeps breaking riders’ bones, now under federal investigation

”Do-Dodonpa” is supposed to be the sound that drums make, but what’s been happening recently is more like “snap snap.”

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Goombas defeated at Universal Studios Super Nintendo World — Animatronics fall off Mario mountain

They are the weakest Super Mario enemy, after all.

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Breaking: Passengers stabbed on Japanese train in Tokyo

Perpetrator on the loose, emergency services currently on the scene.

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Tokyo man wins 21-million yen lawsuit after slipping on lettuce water, tempura ruling overturned

Two supermarket shoppers pick up injuries, but only one gets a courtroom win.

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Excessive dog pee to blame for traffic light collapse, Japanese police think

Suspects in Suzuka were presumably bad boys.

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Japanese senior slips on icy road, knocks himself out, passersby give up jackets to keep him warm

Two large men offered help on freezing cold morning, left without giving their names.

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Supermarket slip lawsuit ruling influenced by size and color of pumpkin tempura

Once again, the scales of justice hinge on fried vegetables.

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Woman in Japan “can’t forgive” Starbucks after their hand sanitiser left her with chemical burns

Abiding by the rules left this customer with burns on her hands that lasted two weeks.

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Live-streamer who slipped and died on Mt Fuji wins Darwin Award

Prize for stupidity commemorates “those who improve our gene pool — by removing themselves from it in the most spectacular way possible”.

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Search for live-streamer who fell from Mt. Fuji finds badly damaged corpse half-mile below peak

Live-streamer had climbed Mt. Fuji multiple times, including just one month ago.

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Last words before slipping are “This part is dangerous.”

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Japanese Twitter rallies around user who was betrayed by their family with touching sympathy

Japanese Twitter shows that the Internet isn’t all savage memes and fighting about politics.

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Train in Japan evacuated after colliding with truck and derailing【Photos, video】

Accident occurred as train on commuter line traveled south of Tokyo.

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Young Japanese man dies while sunbathing in his home garden

Don’t let the thermometer fool you into thinking you’re safer than you are in Japan in the summer.

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Video shows sudden surge left no time for escape.

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Man jumps off bridge in Osaka to celebrate Heisei era’s end, hits something other than water【Vid】

”Heisei, thank you…” SPLAT.

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