animals (Page 30)

Japanese cat wows the internet with an insatiable hunger for vegetables

From cucumbers to cabbage and sweet potatoes, this cat can’t resist the allure of a good vegetable.

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Cats appear at Japan’s famous Tanabata Festival in Sendai this summer

The huge streamer decorations that draw crowds from all around Japan will now feature adorable cat characters created by an anime artist.

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How to win tug-of-war with a dog who doesn’t want walkies to end

Watch this resolute stand-off dissolve into joyous jumping thanks to a simple trick by the pup’s owner.

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Japanese police spotted taking dog downtown like a felon in custody

The pup’s sad face makes us wonder what on earth he did to earn himself a ride in a cop car.

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Cute cat finds way to make humans bow down and worship him at Japanese shrine

The furry new deity, however, forgot about a couple of small yet important details.

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New Tokyo cat cafe filled only with “Apple Cats” who have feline AIDS

The initiative aims to increase awareness and reduce prejudice against cats infected with the virus.
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Pata the Otter celebrates her 20th birthday with a photo exhibit!

You otter brace yourself for a wave of cuteness.

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Japanese “Exorcism Holiday Plan” for dogs helps rid them of bad spirits in their unlucky years

Have your pet feeling rejuvenated both physically and spiritually after a getaway in Japan.

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New “species of snake” discovered purring in desert?【Video】

Could the long, twitching piece of fur belong to the body of a snake or some other cheeky animal?

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Japanese police melt hearts with show of extreme courtesy to wildlife

In true Japanese fashion, the three officers went above and beyond to ensure this family of ducks made it safely across the street.

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They grow up so fast/adorably, don’t they?

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How to visit the cats of Jogashima Island Park on a “Tuna Ticket” from Tokyo

We take a trip to an island close to Tokyo and find a haven for adorably sleepy, relaxed kitties.
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Cute cat shows us what it’s like to fall asleep instantly

From happily preening to deep sleep in 0.5 seconds.

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Adorable family of cats and children look out for each other during nap time and at play

This heartwarming collection of photos reveals the beautiful bonds created between children and pets.

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Cute cat surprises owner with ability to walk through walls

This kitten won’t let anything get between him and his human.

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Peacocking peafowl poses prettily as patrons patiently pray to pee

The bird caught sight of its glorious self in the mirror and now there’s no chance of anyone else using the restroom.

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Bear attacks, disappointing anime ending causing concerns about Japanese animal park event

Bears have been getting bad press for both their real-life and anime actions this month, which has some bristling at the idea of a Kuma Miko-themed promotion in Akita.

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Cat battles it out with home office equipment, gets scanned in the process

The digital image created captures kitty in a moment of quiet determination, with a face of uncertain triumph.

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Is this the canine version of planking?

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You could say this is a video of a cat having a great time with a paper bag, but that’s only half the story.

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