Cat got your tongue on where to stay? Choose one of these lodgings where the felines play a purrfect part of the customer service.
Tokyo and Osaka might be two of the biggest cities, but the most intense competition is felt somewhere more remote.
A long-standing part of Japanese work culture may have passed the tipping/tipple point, especially in women’s eyes.
Survey results shed light on people’s personal preferences for mixing the raw egg into the rice as well as which side seasonings to add for flavor.
Number of high schoolers who’ve kissed or lost their virginity drops to half of early-2000s peak.
The phenomenon has been picking up buzz online in recent months among disgruntled residents, though there may be hope on the horizon.
An upcoming legal change will finally allow divorcing couples to seek joint custody of their children in Japan and opinions are mixed.
You can’t put a price on love, but Japan does put a price on how much you should give a newlywed couple.
The Japanese constitution requires couples to share a family name if they get married, but only one age group in survey comes close to agreeing with it.