January, 2016 (Page 10)

Kyoto confectioner selling hemp-infused Buddha head chocolates

If you’ve got such a powerful sweet tooth that you worship chocolate, these might be just the treats for you.

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Motonosumi Inari Shrine: a site of beauty in Japan that tourists are yet to discover

There’s more to this unusual shrine than its stunning red torii gates that lead down to the Sea of Japan.

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In a superhero punch out of manga/comic book greats, who would hit the hardest? 【Art】

So Saitama, Superman, Batman, Captain America and Iron Man all walk into a bar. What happens next is a little messy.

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Necklace thief in India swallows stolen goods, police feed him 40 bananas to make him poop it out

Talk about dirty money.

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Kit Kat taxis blessed by Shinto priest offer good luck to test-taking passengers

Now you can boost your chance of passing an exam by calling for a Kit Kat cab in Japan.

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Snow Miku is back, and this time she’s collaborating with μ’s from Love Live!

It’s less than a month till the Snow Miku 2016 festival! And even more fans will be delighted this year, as Miku teams up with μ’s from Love Live!

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New wearable device reads your pet’s mind (to remind you they’re probably annoyed at you)

The pet wearables venture company, Anicall, promises a new device and accompanying smartphone app that can read your pet’s emotions.

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In his ongoing search for the perfect affordable-but-stylish ensemble, our fashion reporter Seiji Nakazawa sets his sights on a major convenience store chain.

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New Pokémon Center to open in Kyoto with exclusive goods featuring adorable Maiko Pikachu

In Kyoto, Pikachu wears a kimono with a Ho-Oh design and a Vivillion-adorned hair accessory.

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Man’s amazing Taiko Drum Master moves are sure to bring smiles to your face【Video】

After some terrible losses in the entertainment world this week, we could all use a little pick-me-up.

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Japan enchanted with kitties using head cones both to their advantage and to advance fashion

Because you might as well make the most of it if you’re stuck in the Cone of Shame, right?

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David Bowie drawn by Final Fantasy illustrator Yoshitaka Amano

David Bowie’s creative genius even inspired works by a legend of the Japanese video game industry.

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What do Japanese kids want to be when they grow up? Businesspeople

It does pay better than being a superhero, after all.

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Celebrate the coming of spring by feasting on an enormous, $200 luxury Ehomaki roll!

Let’s see what tempting (and pricey) Ehomaki rolls are on offer at Tobu Ikebukuro Department Store this year to celebrate the coming of spring on Setsubun day.

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New train recreates hotel atmosphere with wood interiors and views from the foot of Mount Fuji

It’s a much better way to enjoy Mount Fuji than from a speeding bullet train.

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They’re not real?? Felt artist displays collection of mind-blowingly life-like cats and dogs

Can you spot what’s wrong with this picture? None of these adorable animals are real; they were all made by hand.

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New bite-sized cakes of Disney Tsum Tsum characters’ butts are adorable, full of booty

Everyone loves a cute tuchus!

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This is the Rei Ayanami doll we’ve been anticipating since last year—and it was worth the wait!

The final item in the Evangelion x Japanese Sword doll series looks awesome…and she’ll cut you if you disagree.

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Amazing time-lapse video from China shows 1,300-tonne bridge built in less than 43 hours【Video】

It took more time to design the plan than to actually construct the bridge.

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Cosplaying kids steal the show as junior versions of anime and video game heroes 【Video】

These tykes are adorable, awesome, and ready for their close-ups.

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