July, 2017 (Page 2)
Muscular, smooth-skinned Chaundo retired from modeling decades ago, but not because he lost his looks.
Side-by-side comparison points finger at pivotal moment in director Makoto Shinkai’s smash-hit anime film.
Think these items look appetizing? You’ll have to go to a unique KFC store in Sendai in Miyagi Prefecture to get them!
The future of pitching alcohol has arrived in Japan.
Sketches hand-drawn by director Makoto Shinkai show initial vision for anime film’s opening sequence.
Perfect for all those parents looking for just the right gift for their fujoshi daughters.
The revolutionary girl is the latest anime icon to become the face of a cafe in one of Tokyo’s anime fandom hot spots.
Japan has plenty of awesome Kit Kats, but we just ate what might be the craziest one of all.
Chairman singles out two aspects of Japanese traditional culture that people of other nations “wouldn’t understand.”
The Idolmaster compels otaku and gamers to get to Shinjuku Station at the crack of dawn for some cool free merch.
The classic sing-along-songs of a million childhoods seamlessly blended and performed for your listening pleasure by a samurai in a dapper suit.
Next time someone rides a tiny scooter through a typhoon to bring you a filet-o-fish, don’t forget to request your free smile too!
Makoto Shinkai’s anime juggernaut was chasing the Disney hit, but which film pulled in the bigger audience at theaters?
Courageously protecting Japan with the aid of garrison-exclusive convenience store meals and socks.
Pointless competitiveness, unbridled perversion, and mysterious sadness are all on the menu, says our experienced expert.
Some are likening the new look to Darth Vader while others can’t stop raving about its many benefits.