July, 2017 (Page 3)

Ginzan Boyz: Japan’s newest idol group, made up of underground mannequins 【Video】

Handsome miner dummies take the mannequin challenge to new heights with a catchy new music video that’s winning over fans around the country.

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The Tokyo Olympics might be taking its Akira anime connection too far【Video】

One of the bleakest depictions of Tokyo in all of film is part of Olympics celebration projection mapping project.

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If you’re good at rhythm games, you might also be an expert at petting cats【Video】

Japanese gamer’s feline pet would be blissfully happy as a controller substitute.

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Meet Azuki and Matcha: The two newest vocaloids 【Video】

If you’ve never heard of Project 575 before… well, we can’t blame you. Despite existing for a few years now, the pair have never been considered “official” Vocaloids. Until now.

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Japanese book teaching kids to reenact YouTube videos gets more hate on Twitter than it deserves

Educational book’s value is getting buried under all the grumbling about kids these days.

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Kirin beer company toasts same-sex marriages for its employees

A step towards same-sex marriages being officially recognised throughout Japan?

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Teaching English in Japan? New book helps students talk about the Illuminati, alien abductions

Other books leave out key phrases like “Isn’t the president of your company a Reptilian?”, but not this one!

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South Korean high school’s yearbook photos look nothing like yours 【Video】

There’s nothing like ending the best years of youth with a memorable photo shoot.

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“Poop Kanji Town” opens in Tokyo with excrement-shaped items on the menu

The new collaboration combines Japanese-language learning with poop-shaped edible items.

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Japanese cafe tops its shaved ice with fire for an impossibly delicious treat【Video】

It’s not often that you find a dessert that can give you a brain freeze and third-degree burns, so we had to try it for ourselves.

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In a world where cute cats have become a dime a dozen, the best way to stand out is by being two cute cats at the same time.

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First-ever Bon-Odori dance festival to be held at Shibuya scramble crossing for Obon

Shibuya’s giant scramble crossing will be closed to traffic for a summer street festival.

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Poop Exhibit in Tokuyama Zoo this summer, 13 animals’ excrement on display to smell and touch

The zoo has planned a highly interactive exhibit allowing visitors to be completely immersed in animals’ pooh.

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Sticking cheeseburgers through soft drink straws now a thing on Japanese Instagram 【Pics】

Confusing? Yes. Delicious? Arguable.

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Grimoire backpack is a practical way to proclaim your love for magical fantasies

A stylish must-have for the lord of the books.

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Vintage kimono can now be recycled into beautiful Japanese-style parasols! 【Pics】

How would you like a lovely one-of-a-kind parasol made with material from an authentic kimono?

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Japanese high school boy wows netizens with his cute girl-next-door looks

Giving his girl classmates a run for their money!

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Take a tour of Okinawa’s longest running movie theater: this creepy adult cinema

Some historical sites are honored while others get the shaft, but that may just be how the Shuri Theater likes it.

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Japanese train-themed karaoke lets you belt out announcements without being a public nuisance

Here’s a chance to fulfill your dreams of becoming a Japanese train driver.

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Hawaiian photographer uses own dog in Princess Mononoke cosplay for an overdose of cute 【Pics】

The ferocious wolf goddess is reduced to an adorable fluffy puppy, but we’re not complaining.

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