Posted by Casey Baseel (Page 454)
Or should that be awesomely eerie?
Like the boobs of its busty characters, the chances of a western release for video game Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 seem to be swaying back and forth.
You want the boobs? YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE BOOBS!
As one of the most celebrated directors of modern cinema, movie fans across Japan are no doubt looking forward to Ron Howard’s upcoming epic, The Battle with the White Whale.
Wait, what?
Everyone has their morning routine. For some, it’s a cup of strong coffee. For others, a morning workout. And apparently for still others, a schoolgirl fantasy is what jumpstarts their day.
Tired of sushi standbys like tuna and salmon? An annual event in Tokyo recently served up mealworm nigiri and black wasp gunkan, plus a host of other bug-based foods and drinks.
Ikebukuro-based company provides a shoulder to cry on and arms to sleep in by dispatching hot guys to spend the night at lonely women’s homes.
A ton of anime characters wear some sort of school or military uniform, but that doesn’t mean the shows’ art is always consistent.
Because why stop at 40 pieces when you could order 48, or just keep going into quadruple digits to really support your favorite Japanese idol singer?
What would be the ultimate luxury in personal service for a highborn aristocrat? Someone to draw your bath? Peel your grapes? Fan you with palm fronds? How about a servant whose job it is to take the blame for your farts.
Bomb disposal unit finds remnants of suspected incendiary device at shrine for Japanese war dead in Chiyoda Ward.
Pirate manga pirates promptly pinched by prefectural police.
After these passengers got stranded, they walked the rest of the way in such a precise line they practically became a train themselves.
This video quiz just might be the first step to acquiring the speed and precision to become a revolving sushi master.