“Operation Yellow Chalk” is making waves for how incredibly simple yet effective it is at getting people to pick up after their pet.
pets (Page 14)
Cats may not be crazy about water, but that doesn’t mean they don’t look unbelievably cute wearing sailor suit fashion.
We wish there was space for us inside too.
When Motsu the cat went missing, his owners received a cruel letter from someone claiming to be his new owner.
Celebrity YouTube chef Jun shows off his culinary skills with some clever twists on traditional sushi that cats are sure to love.
Instead of eating the eggs, owner parlays annual circle-of-life phenomenon into expansion of his social circle.
Looking at round breasts and furry felines is said to generate maximum feelings of pleasure.
This May marks the 20th anniversary of Tamagotchi, so let’s take a look at the best that two decades have brought us!