
Dog-killing waves create spectacular views on this remote Japanese island

A dramatic local legend and fascinating rock formations make this island unforgettable.

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Hokkaido business will age your alcohol under the sea, let you watch it via smartphone

Age your wine in an octopus’s garden in the shade.

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Chikura no Iwaya: Secret beach cave only appears for two hours a day, and here’s how to see it

Created completely by nature, this is a hidden gem you won’t want to miss during your Japan travels.

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One thing you should be careful of when visiting Japan’s Laputa Island

A trip to this remote destination ends up mimicking the Studio Ghibli anime film it’s named after.

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Japan’s “station closest to the sea” lives up to its name【Photos】

”Blue ocean” is part of this station’s name, and they’re not kidding.

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We try new ‘adrift at sea’ experience and end up floating alone on the Yamaguchi coast

In the middle of the ocean, no one can hear you scream.

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A trip to hell on Japan’s ‘vomit ship’: Is it as bad as everyone says it is?

Exploring the not-so-glamorous side of island-hopping.

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Yoga teacher and students meditating on paddle boards swept into the ocean, rescued by canoer

Netizens were unanimous in thinking “yoga on the ocean” was a bad idea.

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Yayoi Kusama’s Yellow Pumpkin washed away during typhoon in Japan

Naoshima’s famous art installation badly damaged after unexpected journey out to sea.

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We travel to a mysterious power spot in Okinawa, where a “heart rock” floats in the sea

Mother Nature attempts to reclaim the path at this rugged tourist site filled with mystery and beauty. 

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Fisherman attacked by wild boar jumping out of the ocean, defeats it with bare hands

Boars can do that apparently.

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We visit the “Island of the Great Gods” in Okinawa, soak in spectacularly stunning scenery

Our reporter leaves convinced that Ogami Island is the hidden home of countless gods. 

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Japanese retailer Felissimo brings cute from the oceans with adorable deep sea creature pouches

You don’t have to be a marine biologist to fall in love with these unusual specimens.

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12 beautiful Japanese train stations by the sea

Being an island nation, there is no shortages of beaches in Japan–though if you live in Tokyo, there are times when the only thing resembling the ocean to be seen is a sea of people. After a weekday morning commute spent sloshing around in a packed train car, it’s easy to find yourself wishing for a more relaxed environment like the beach. And with summer in full swing, there are plenty of beaches we’d rather be lounging on than just about anything.

But it’s a busy world and who has time to sit on the beach and just relax? Well, we sure don’t! But for those of us always on the go, there are a few train stations that at least will give you a view of the ocean on your way to whatever business you may have. Think of it like a vacation that lasts as long as the train stops!

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Taking the Ferry From Japan to Foreign Lands: a New Adventure!

If we asked you your travel plans for your next trip abroad, you would probably come up with a flight plan.  It wouldn’t occur to most of us to take a boat.  The fastest way to get from point A to point B particularly when B is overseas would have to be flying.

A ferry ride to foreign lands, compared to air travel ,may not be the most efficient way to go, but the sense of embarking on an adventure on the high seas, makes up for it!  From an island country like Japan, surrounded on all sides by water, taking a ferry trip overseas is actually very reasonable.

Although it is not widely known, there are several  ferry routes leaving at regular intervals from various ports across Japan.  Where do these ferries go?

According to information from the Travel site Tripgraphics, ferries leave regularly for destinations in China, Korea, and Russia.  There are frequent ferry departures to 8 ports of call in these three countries.  Doesn’t it tickle the imagination?  At the very least, you can’t help but be curious.  What would a sea voyage be like? Read More