
Unko Museum Tokyo holds a Japanese poo festival in Odaiba

A scat twist on a Japanese festival. 

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Poo sakura are in full bloom at Unko Museum’s cherry blossom festival in Tokyo

The only place in the world where you can view weeping poop cherry blossoms, but you have to sing and dance to make them bloom.

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The poop ice cream to end all poop ice creams

This weird Japanese dessert flushes all the others down the drain. 

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Demand for Poop Money Drill textbooks backed up, orders suspended until system cleared out

Everyone wants a piece of Poop Money.

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Come touch our poo animals, Tokyo museum invites

Unko Museum will display Japan’s newest cute crap.

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Bathe in poop with Japan’s latest weirdly wonderful bath bomb

Move aside unicorns, it’s time for human poo to take the spotlight in the bathtub.

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PooPaint Toilet paper lets you make art with your poop

Not just for potty-training children!

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Poo emoji hand signals go viral on Japanese Twitter

Send your friends the gift of poop…using nothing but your hands.

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Mr. Sato gets dazzled by multicolored poop at the Poo Museum in Yokohama

Everybody (loves) poops.

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“Poop Kanji Town” opens in Tokyo with excrement-shaped items on the menu

The new collaboration combines Japanese-language learning with poop-shaped edible items.

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We find the crappiest capsule toy out there… literally

What’s brown, lumpy, and can now be purchased via capsule toy machines in Japan? If you guessed “a turd,” then you have a gross mind, but are also entirely correct!

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