video games (Page 78)
Being able to keep one hand free while playing Nintendo’s first smartphone game might turn out to be a pretty sweet deal.
Take a real-life cooking class with Ignis while enjoying music, costumes and iconic images from the game.
YouTube personality Mike Matei created this truly impressive tribute animation using nothing but this 16-bit era Super Nintendo game!
Now you can feel like an adventurer chancing upon riches every time you reach for the tissues.
Put together by the XV development team, this is being billed by its producers as the first-ever official mashup TV commercial in the history of Final Fantasy.
The last round of glitches was traumatizing for players, but this one looks like it’s worse for the game’s characters themselves.
One of Nintendo’s most popular franchises ranks high, but fails to snag survey’s top spot.
Shigeru Miyamoto promises fun for theme park guests not just in Japan, but also California and Florida.
Could the most infamously blacklisted Pokémon of all time be hiding under that Pikachu costume?
Slimes draw near following conclusion of rice field art project.
You really ought to check out the video, because screenshots don’t do justice to this visually impressive game for Android and iOS devices.
Let the voice from Pregnancy Academy and Crime Breast Bounce guide you to the bullet train.