Casey Baseel

Born and raised in Los Angeles, Casey Baseel spent his formative years staring in frustration at un-subtitled Japanese TV programming shown on Southern California’s international channel. Taking matters into his own hands, he moved to Tokyo to study the language, then found work in Yokohama a decade ago teaching, translating, and marketing hotels he can’t afford to stay in. When not participating in the eternal cycle of exercising to burn the calories form his love of Japanese food, Casey scours used comic and game shops for forgotten classics, drags his wife around the country in a quest to visit all its castles, sings karaoke not nearly as well as he thinks he does, and counts the days until the summertime bars open on Enoshima Beach.

Posted by Casey Baseel (Page 375)

Green tea Cup Noodle brings matcha to the wonderful world of instant ramen

Ramen and green tea are two of the best things to make if you’ve got a pot of hot water, and now you can have both at once.

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It looks like all that time hitting the books has made the would-be Pokémon Master weak and flabby.

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Japanese shrine maiden roomwear officially on sale, looks divinely cute, heavenly comfortable

Cozy Shinto-style fashion for relaxing at home.

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It’s hard to believe that’s the same pooch.

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Japanese Twitter user shares the phrase a man should never say to his wife

Dinner is involved.

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Skip the peace sign – Security researcher cautions against striking Japan’s favorite picture pose

Saying cheese is fine, but flashing the peace sign could be inviting not just social media attention, but identity theft too.

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The Mochi Bacon Cheeseburger comes to Tokyo and our stomachs

We’re used to eating Japanese rice cakes at New Year’s but this is our first time trying one on a hamburger.

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Award-winning novelist theorizes director of Your Name didn’t have a girlfriend in high school


But he also thinks that may be the secret to the anime’s success.

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Pikachu and Super Mario left out of lineup of official spokescharacters for Tokyo Olympics

After some seriously high-profile involvement, Nintendo characters aren’t part of newest promotional push for 2020 event.

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That’s pretty hot.

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Anime-style outfits have become so popular they’re inspiring their own fan art.

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Dragon Ball Z’s Frieza cheers on runners at Japan’s New Year’s relay race with Koi Dance【Vid】

It turns out the anime villain isn’t just a fighter, but a dancer too!

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Recreation of anime’s Unit-01 sets very specific Guinness World Record.

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Happy New Year from RocketNews24!

Ordinarily, Japan has no problem working itself to the bone. That’s not the case at the start of the year, though, as the nation pauses to catch its breath and charge up for the months to come by visiting relatives, leisurely reading New Year’s cardseating osechi, and buying lucky bags.

While we at RocketNews24 like to think of ourselves as proficient multitaskers, even we’re not capable of getting much work done as we use both hands to stuff our faces with food or carry as many shopping bags as possible, and so we’ll be slowing down a bit as we take advantage of one of the few times Japan relaxes its hard-line stance against anything remotely resembling laziness. We hope you all get to do the same, regardless of where in the world you are.

Thanks for reading, and we hope to have even more great stuff for you whenever you visit our site in 2017!

Whoa, dude, check out how cute that Buddhist altar/anime girl is!

The butsudan, a traditional religious home furnishing, is the latest unlikely muse for Japan’s continuing anthropomorphization craze.

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New competitive diving anime to fill hole in hearts of fans of sports series/shirtless guys【Vid】

Oft-adapted series of novels gets first animated version.

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SMAP vs. Mr. Sato! Our writer compares his life to that of Japan’s most successful boy band ever

How does the life of RocketNews24’s crack Japanese-language reporter stack up?

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Uses bear meat sourced from Kyoto and Aomori, said to have more refined taste than foreign varieties.

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Shadow of the Colossus, Last Guardian soundtracks to be performed at Game Symphony Japan concert

Classically trained musicians will play selections from classic games including Fumito Ueda’s Ico at upcoming Tokyo-area performance.

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Merry Christmas from RocketNews24!

We’re not sure if we should thank Santa or Pikachu, but when we woke up this morning, our homes were filled with presents!

Christmas might work a little differently in Japan, but it’s still an occasion for sharing time and joy with loved ones, so you might be hearing from us a little less frequently over the next few days. Rest assured, though, that you’re all in our thoughts and we’ll be back to full speed shortly covering all things weird and wonderful from Japan and Asia.

In the meantime, whether this holiday season has brought you an eye-opening calendar, some captivating reading material, a chance at romance, or even just some nice, practical coal, all of us here at RocketNews24 wish you and yours the very best.

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