Casey Baseel

Born and raised in Los Angeles, Casey Baseel spent his formative years staring in frustration at un-subtitled Japanese TV programming shown on Southern California’s international channel. Taking matters into his own hands, he moved to Tokyo to study the language, then found work in Yokohama a decade ago teaching, translating, and marketing hotels he can’t afford to stay in. When not participating in the eternal cycle of exercising to burn the calories form his love of Japanese food, Casey scours used comic and game shops for forgotten classics, drags his wife around the country in a quest to visit all its castles, sings karaoke not nearly as well as he thinks he does, and counts the days until the summertime bars open on Enoshima Beach.

Posted by Casey Baseel (Page 85)

Otaku gather in the Akihabara night as Toranoana dojinshi shop permanently closes【Photos】

Goodbyes both heartfelt and snarky mark the end of an era in Tokyo’s otaku district.

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Arcade game coin slot capsule toys bring coin-op style to your home or office【Photos】

A clever way to preserve a fading part of video game design.

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Japanese hot sandwich maker dessert heaven: Making a jumbo obanyaki the easy way【Recipe】

Who’s got time for sandwiches when there are delicious Japanese sweets to be made?

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From a random alley in Tokyo, it’s the Running While Carrying a Giant Stuffed Panda Championships

It’s the moment none of you have been waiting for, all thanks to the mind of Mr. Sato!

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Spreadable coffee to put on your toast going on sale in Japan

Coffee and toast for breakfast, but without the coffee cup.

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Heading off the beaten path in Hokkaido for a beautiful view and local sweets

We’re not at this Furano vineyard for the grapes.

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What happens after Pikachu misses with Quick Attack? This adorable video has the answer【Video】

Amazing fan artist shows that even when Pikachu is off the mark, he’s still super effective at making us smile.

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Japan removes tour guide requirement for foreign tourists

New entry rules go into effect next month, but the borders won’t be completely open just yet.

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Japanese town that spent 25 million yen in COVID money on giant squid statue says it paid off big

Gigantic squid statue has given a huge boost to the economy, city claims.

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Japanese government wants to encourage wealthy foreigners to travel deeper into Japan, NHK says

Agency will select areas outside major cities to promote to big-spending travelers, according to report.

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Japanese monkey-hunting team shoots woman with tranquilizer dart

City’s attempt to protect residents from wild animals ends up sending one of them to the hospital.

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Japanese prime minster wants to increase the number of foreigners studying in Japan

Calls on Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to go beyond even already successful plan.

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Seapoodle Cup Noodle flavor is on the way, sounds absolutely delicious (except for the name)

Don’t worry, no poodles are harmed in the making of Seapoodle.

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Non-Whisper of the Heart Seiji’s 60x-zoom sneak peek of the real-world Earth Shop at Ghibli Park

Almost sharing a name with the Studio Ghibli character doesn’t get him inside, but Seiji still gets an early look.

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Autumn is on the way, and that means it’s time for fried chicken fried egg sandwiches in Japan

Tsukimi sandwiches on their way back to KFC Japan, in katsu and non-katsu forms.

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Mystery of modama: What is this sashimi we found for the first time on Yakushima?【Taste test】

It’s some kind of fish…probably…

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A Japanese tea house for inside your house? Tokyo company wants to offer micro chashitsu overseas

Asakusa tea ceremony school creates a sanctuary you can build inside your living room.

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The almost immediate problems on our almost no-plan trip to Yakushima

Winging it may not have been the best choice for Seiji’s trip to the Princess Mononoke island.

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It’s good to have problems, Hayao Miyazaki tells Studio Ghibli staff

Morning message to animation house’s artists is a bite-sized dose of Miyazaki philosophy.

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Burger King Japan guarantees new chicken sandwich is bigger than your phone with weird promotion

If you’ve got a big phone and a big appetite, this is the deal for you.

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