Dialogue in new Nintendo Switch video game is just fine for little kids, but “a form of harassment” for older fans.
anime (Page 128)
Streaming giant’s U.S.-produced remake of the anime classic is seen be many as trying to improve on perfection.
Popular voice actresses lend their talents to create an aural fantasy otaku can enjoy every day.
Japanese Twitter users weigh in on thought-provoking post discussing the qualities that make Yubaba an effective manager.
Ninja girl anime/video game franchise Senran Kagura continues to have one thing (or two things) on its mind.
Why just say “I accept the terms of this transaction” when you can say “I accept the terms of this transaction, and also PIKA!”
Yuumi Kato thrills audience at pre-broadcast event by transforming from sexy ninja to magical warrior Sailor Moon in seconds.
The legend of tragically named pseudo-animator Shojiki Komata returns!
Obvious homage lets your pet dress up like a members of the anime’s cast other than its mentor cats.
This toy makes us wonder if Pikachu missed a lucrative career as either a breakdancer or a strobe light by sticking around with Ash too long.
A gorgeous take on the character that’s worlds apart from the Disney version, and can be read in English or Japanese.
Manga artist Hajime Isayama shows that the last thing we’ll ever see in his manga stays true to a theme it’s had since the very start.
Couple uses NOSTALGIA ATTACK! And with personalised features and 8-bit graphics, it’s a CRITICAL HIT!!
We went to the Premier screening of Dragon Ball Super: Broly… and almost didn’t get to see the movie!