Have you ever stopped to think about the soul of a Goomba when you crush or burn its body?
Super Mario Bros.
Nintendo gives us a peek at the moment Mario arrives in the Mushroom Kingdom for the very first time.
Multiple designs to keep you dry and show off your love for the start of the Super Mario franchise.
How to shut down anti-gaming haters, confusing fan art guidelines, an N64 personality test, and a Zelda arrest.
No one needs to wait their turn to play as Luigi thanks to an epiphany about the Nintendo classic.
”I drew Super Mario in my notebook” says amazing artist, but this isn’t any bored-in-class doodle.
Those Super Mario Odyssey royalty checks aren’t going to last forever, so it’s really about time the video game star rejoined the workforce.
Like that summer in high school you spent flipping burgers at a fast food joint, Mario’s plumbing days are part of his past.
This Romain Jerome watch with a classic pixelated Mario face is available for a limited time for Mario super fans with a lot of cash to blow.
Watch this clever hamster smash her way through the game, complete with an adorable detour down the pipe.