
Peachy keen life hack! Japan’s Zen-Noh shares an ingeniously easy way to pit a peach in seconds【Photos】

The fastest, easiest way possible to get a prized peach ready to eat.

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We try the free muscle bread distributed by macho dudes at a one-day, pop-up event in Tokyo

This may be the only time in known human history when a six-pack was achieved using carbs.

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It doesn’t get any fresher than raw-egg pudding!【SoraKitchen】

That probably depends on the egg you use, though.

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Testing the true way to make fluffy pancakes from Japan’s Agricultural Cooperatives Group

It’s a pancake showdown in the SoraKitchen!

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How to make microwave rice packs into something you’ll actually be happy to eat【SoraKitchen】

Two great rice recipes that you can make entirely in the microwave in a matter of minutes.

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Imitation octopus balls are Japan’s newest pseudo-gourmet recipe for boiled eggs【Recipe】

Takoyaki taste without the tako.

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Let’s find out if mixing milk and a lemon-lime soda makes cream soda

Don’t blame us. It wasn’t our idea.

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Have we been making pancakes wrong this whole time? Japan’s Zen-Noh shares the best technique

For fluffy flapjacks, there’s something you need to do right at the very start.

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Persimmons are best served roasted? We try out a surprising expert recommendation【SoraKitchen】

As it turns out, roasting persimmons creates an entirely different food experience!

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The most brilliant summer homework idea ever: Eat wagyu for Yakiniku Day

Teachers, feel free to assign us this year’s and next year’s homework while you’re at it!

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