December, 2016 (Page 5)

Young Thomas seems to be pulling a cargo of fashionable nightmares.

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Japanese boy’s sneeze blows “meerkat” off ledge【Video】

This boy’s sneezing is a lot more powerful than his animal species recognition.

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Japan’s Prime Minister has team of gloved officials that operates as his personal turn signal【Vid】

Here’s how the Prime Minister of Japan going for a drive is different from when you or I do it.

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Manga artist Kentaro Yabuki proves his godly skills with improvised drawings at comic exposition

A manga artist with a talent for sketching famous manga characters on the fly impresses backstage at this year’s Jump Festa.

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7-Eleven convenience stores in South Korea offer an electrifying new Pokémon item!

Pokémon lovers rejoice! There’s now a whole new way to celebrate your fandom with these Pikachu-themed lunch boxes now on sale in South Korea!

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One taste of toasted egg mushipan bread and you’ll never go back to eating it the normal way!

We take Japan’s simple pleasure of a steamed cake and push it to a whole new level of deliciousness.

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Japanese Twitter user spends eight years stacking toilet paper cores, completes entire wall

“It looks like a beehive!”

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Japanese Twitter goes ga-ga over artist showing off how to easily draw the perfect pair of legs

Just four steps to be able to step around in some well-drawn legs.

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Five anime scenarios Japanese fans are sick of seeing【Survey】

Some would call these anime’s proudest traditions, but not the respondents of a poll who’re craving something different.

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Cute kitty completely “mistified” by vapor released from humidifier【Video】

That kitty face is enough to melt anyone’s heart.

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Japanese kid says shadows move because the earth rotates, teacher tells him he’s incorrect

Third-grader who’s too smart for his own good gets science test question wrong for very dumb reason.

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40 percent of Japanese women in survey say they’d be OK with a “Christmas Eve-only” boyfriend

’Tis the season for potentially very short romantic relationships.

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Japanese cook shocks Internet with yolkless egg discovery

There’s no computer generated imagery here – just a case of fart egg.

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”Working like a dog” has never looked so adorable as it does with this Shiba Inu.

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Hit anime Your Name becomes highest-grossing Japanese film ever at Chinese theaters

The anime event of the year is selling tickets in China even more quickly than it did in Japan.

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Pony runs through Shibuya after escaping pet shop 【Video】

This little guy was keen for a bit of horsing around in Tokyo!

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Japanese game magazine from 1988 shows SNES as we never knew it

This cool mock-up shows that writers at Beep predicted a console very different from the one we would all come to know and love.

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Final Fantasy XV Gladiolus cosplay is as gorgeous as the game itself 【Photos】

We would gladly take more of this Gladiolus cosplay!

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Welcome the New Year with a calendar of hunky Japanese farmers 【Pics】

If this is what Japanese farmers look like, you can stick me on a train to the nearest country town.

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China’s spider-fireman makes daring rescue on building ledge 【Video】

Watch Kaifeng City’s finest leap out a window to pull a would-be jumper off a ledge.

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