Casey Baseel

Born and raised in Los Angeles, Casey Baseel spent his formative years staring in frustration at un-subtitled Japanese TV programming shown on Southern California’s international channel. Taking matters into his own hands, he moved to Tokyo to study the language, then found work in Yokohama a decade ago teaching, translating, and marketing hotels he can’t afford to stay in. When not participating in the eternal cycle of exercising to burn the calories form his love of Japanese food, Casey scours used comic and game shops for forgotten classics, drags his wife around the country in a quest to visit all its castles, sings karaoke not nearly as well as he thinks he does, and counts the days until the summertime bars open on Enoshima Beach.

Posted by Casey Baseel (Page 225)

Sayonara, suits! One of Japan’s biggest companies ditches suit-and-tie dress code

Telecom giant’s decision is part of plan to “increase the independence and productivity of each individual employee.”

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Want tickets to the Star Wars kabuki play? Here’s how you can win a pair for free

You can see kabuki Kylo Ren for free if the Force, and some luck, are with you.

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A whole new batch of Pokémon can now be part of your legal signature in Japan with Gen III hanko

”Yes, I accept this contract. Also, I love Mudkip.”

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Crowdfunding campaign opens to rebuild fire-ravaged Shuri Castle, raises over 290 million yen

Governor of Okinawa gives hoped-for target date for repair of symbol of Okinawa.

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Fire breaks out near Japan’s Shirakawa-go World Heritage site【Videos】

Hidden sprinkler defense system activates to help protect beautiful traditional thatched-roof farmhouses.

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Star Wars is being turned into a kabuki play with one Japan’s biggest stars playing Kylo Ren

Let the past die. Turn it into a kabuki play, if you have to.

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Manga cafe with 24-hour, all-you-can-eat food might be cheapest place to stay (or live) in Japan

Food, shelter, shower, and laundry. Everything you need, and for just 2,140 yen (US$19.80) a day.

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Protect your sweets from fridge thieves with Japan’s Pudding Alert 2.1 system!【Video】

If you work in an office or live in a home with people who have a sweet tooth and sticky fingers, this is the dessert-saving device you need.

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Beautiful Zelda, awesome Pokémon/Mario crossover merch are Nintendo Tokyo shop exclusives【Pics】

Extra-cute Animal Crossing kitchenware also on offer at Japan’s first-ever dedicated Nintendo store.

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Should Akihabara be walled off from the rest of Tokyo? Twitter user proposes bold rezoning plan

Admission fees, age requirements, and unrestricted public posting of erotic anime art would all be part of “Akihabara Gate City.”

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Massive 120-meter Godzilla statue being built as part of Japanese theme park’s newest attraction

If you’ve ever wanted to zip-line through the King of the Monsters or save Japan from one of his rampages, this is your new happiest place on earth.

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“We will, absolutely, rebuild Shuri Castle” Okinawa governor promises after devastating fire

Castle’s main hall, two other buildings completely consumed by flames.

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So…so many teeth. Dear God, why are there so many teeth?!?

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Gundam creator thinks Makoto Shinkai anime need more female crotch grabbing and/or horniness

”Shinkai-kun is still young, so that’s why he can make that sort of anime.”

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We’re going to see Pikachu as a baby in the new Pokémon anime!【Video】

”This is the very beginning of the entire story.”

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ANA to offer Japan domestic air pass with multiple flights and unlimited accommodations provided

Skipping the Shinkansen lets you spend as many nights as you want in off-the-beaten-path Japan.

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Video shows Futaba-chan’s polished manners.

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Litterbug smokers aren’t so eager to brawl once they find out they’re picking a fight with a guy who beats people up for a living.

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