Harry Potter
Warner Bros. Studio Tour Tokyo souvenir replica recalled after warning from muggle law enforcement.
Warner Brothers Studio Tokyo Making of Harry Potter lets you visit everything from the Great Hall of Hogwarts to the closet Harry lived in at the Dursley’s.
Redmayne and Williams are the first Hollywood stars to come to Japan since the outbreak of corona.
Hogsmeade Station serves as inspiration for closest stop to new permanent Harry Potter museum.
It’s still a prototype, but it’s garnered enough interest that it might become a full product!
Hogwarts crest and wand holder-equipped bags for the start of little wizards’ academic careers.
The only thing better than the message itself is the fascinating water printer machine that “prints” it.
Facility recreating environments from Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts films will be built on former site of one of Tokyo’s oldest theme parks.
One of Japan’s oldest theme parks is fading away, but it might be magically reborn as a mecca for fans of the wizard school saga.
So…so many teeth. Dear God, why are there so many teeth?!?