You may have heard giving a certain amount of money will win you favor with the gods, but a very high authority says otherwise.
Country continues tradition of honoring icons of art and science over politicians on its currency.
Beautiful mother/son work of art meets a bittersweet end at the hands of the one enemy it can’t defeat.
Nothing says “Thanks for all your hard work!” like a bonus from your boss given entirely in Japan’s smallest-denomination coins.
You can’t always solve a problem by throwing money at it. In fact, you might just cause one instead.
Japanese citizens feel the symbolism-rich coin, which lacks something, can make travel in Japan difficult for foreign guests.
If you thought there was a lot of change between your couch cushions, you should check out escalators in Japan.
Here’s a beautifully compelling reason to hang onto your change when you go shopping in Japan.
While Japanese coin box toys feature sweet cats who kindly take your change for safekeeping, real cats like this prefer to do other things with your money!