Shonen Jump
My Hero Academia now accepting votes for “World Best Hero” from its vast roster of quirky characters
Turn to your favorite character from the popular shonen anime for help with all of your bureaucratic needs that require a signature.
Enako’s newest project with publisher of Shonen Jump features cosplays for characters both new and old.
Shonen Jump wants fans all over the world to share the excitement of their favorites series at the same time.
When you’re craving the latest issue of Shonen Jump, Uber is ready to roll and bring you your comic fix.
Final Fantasy, Pokémon, Godzilla, Evangelion and the Yakuza franchise are just some of the big names inviting you to step into their rendered environments.
The heroes of One Piece, Dragon Ball, Naruto, and more are all here to keep you company as you keep yourself safe from the coronavirus.
Titles featuring Iron Man, Spider-Man, Dr. Strange, Ant-Man and more can be seen through the Shonen Jump+ app.
This superfan will never be short of reading material.
Creators of One Piece, Naruto, and My Hero Academia got together at friend’s place to get tipsy, created piece of manga history while they were at it.
The stars of Jump Force all have serious beef with Tokyo Metro, leaving some seriously cool craters behind.