Casey Baseel

Born and raised in Los Angeles, Casey Baseel spent his formative years staring in frustration at un-subtitled Japanese TV programming shown on Southern California’s international channel. Taking matters into his own hands, he moved to Tokyo to study the language, then found work in Yokohama a decade ago teaching, translating, and marketing hotels he can’t afford to stay in. When not participating in the eternal cycle of exercising to burn the calories form his love of Japanese food, Casey scours used comic and game shops for forgotten classics, drags his wife around the country in a quest to visit all its castles, sings karaoke not nearly as well as he thinks he does, and counts the days until the summertime bars open on Enoshima Beach.

Posted by Casey Baseel (Page 91)

Japan’s most famous anime/manga artist trade school now has a fully online program

Yoyogi Animation Academy is looking for applicants for its new Full Remote School’s first semester this fall.

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Rice balls that can last for 100 days at room temperature? Kyoto company makes high-protein onigiri

Pretty much everyone is going to eat at least one onigiri in the next 100 days, right?

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Free Ghibli Park preview day ticket applications are now open!

Special days give fans access to the brand-new Studio Ghibli anime theme park before its public grand opening.

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Nintendo issues warning to make sure your Switch can handle the heat this summer

In a country where a lot of people try to endure the summer heat, Nintendo warns that your gaming hardware might not be up to the task.

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Politician’s disgusting mask gaffe grosses out Japan【Video】

With Tokyo’s infection numbers spiking, wearing a mask is important, but this was the wrong mask to wear.

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Autopsy results, cause of death released for Yu-Gi-Oh! manga creator Kazuki Takahashi

Artist’s body was discovered drifting in ocean.

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Japan’s five easiest-to-get-lost-on mountain trails are like alpine brain teasers【Photos】

Data analysis highlights where hikers are most likely to get a little too far off the beaten path.

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To celebrate 7-Eleven Day, here are seven 7-Eleven Japan items that need more love

And because it’s a Japanese convenience store, our list has everything from desserts to fish.

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Studio Ghibli’s two most famous character masks come into the real world with mini o-men【Photos】

Ghibli Museum’s hand-crafted masks are here just in time for Japan’s summer festival season.

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Japanese bookstore dares to be different with common-sense fix to weird industry hassle

At most bookstores, knowing the author’s name isn’t enough to let you find what you’re looking for, but Seiwado is an exception.

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Japan’s new micro-houses want to be your home away from home on weekends, but we’d stay all week

Having a house built for the price of a car? We could make that lifestyle work.

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Mr. Sato makes senpafe 1,000-yen parfait, and things get oddly violent【Japan’s Best Home Senpafe】

Taste buds and sanity aren’t the only things being challenged as dessert goes off the rails in Sato style.

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Is that restaurant in Tokyo with the giant mecha crab sign any good?

Mr. Sato’s hunger for the truth leads him to selflessly eat a bunch of seafood at Kani Doraku for the sake of our readers.

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What’s it like to attend an idol concert where they’re singing lyrics that you wrote? Complicated

Struggling musician Seiji attends the major debut of Gilty x Gilty, where they sing a song with lyrics written by…Seiji.

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What happens if you drop your keys into an elevator shaft gap? Kyoto company explains【Video】

You know, aside from you screaming “Noooooo!!!!!”?

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Japanese police say former prime minister shot with pistol, weapon may have been made by shooter

Private ownership of pistols is completely prohibited in Japan.

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Pringles Japanese egg sandwich-flavor potato chips on sale now, said to taste AND smell the part

Japanese egg sandwiches are a form of culinary art, but can they be adapted to the medium of potato chips?

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Inflation making penguins in Japan unhappy with aquarium’s switch to cheaper fish

Japan is a country that’s particular about seafood, and apparently its penguins are too.

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New Slam Dunk anime movie shows off CGI trailer, Japan react differently than overseas fans【Vid】

Some fans are slamming Slam Dunk’s new look.

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Japanese company uses video game-style hit point badges to help employees know who needs a hand

Tokyo-based firm understands it can be hard for some people to speak up when they’re feeling run down.

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