A seemingly innocent bag of random anime and game merch became the trigger for a peculiar addiction.
Posted by Master Blaster (Page 76)
Is Osaka Metro destroying the sophistication of the city, or is it just the victim of a bunch of wet blankets?
Ring in the new year by getting into a staring contest with a pair of dark, soulless eyes for five-and-a-half days.
We try Tenka Torimasu‘s latest girl-flavored chicken and learn there really is no dignified way of ordering it.
SolarFlare is among the list of manga titles flying off the printed page and into the Twitterverse.
Right after the game went on sale, the Internet’s greatest minds went to work unlocking its dark secrets.
Seiji continues his mad quest to make this website FaucetNews24 with his endless makeshift plastic bottle taps.
Annual ranking takes a look back at the things the Internet was discussing the most in Japan this year.
Korean basketball commentator’s sudden nosebleed draws laughter, admiration 【Video】
Dec 12, 2018
Despite copious amounts of blood flowing, both men carry on with the job at hand.
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