Posted by Master Blaster (Page 81)
Among this majestic spectacle of nature, a mysterious red beast which preys on the otaku was discovered.
Municipalities and prefectures are hoping they can stop the dreaded red-necked longhorn beetle before they get out of hand.
It’s unclear what the foreign matter is as of yet, but the company isn’t taking any chances with how they handle the situation.
Remember when your mom told you to, “Shut the door! Are you trying to cool the outdoors?!” That’s the premise behind Cool Share.
Unless you live in a handful of prefectures, you’ve probably never even heard of I-wrap, but those who know it swear by it.
Working hours at this shrimp processing and packaging plant are outlined as: “Whenever the heck you feel like it.”
We find out if it enjoying salt and pepper in a beer is best left to the professionals or not.
It’s an Atkins dream come true in the form of two all-beef patties inside a pair of camembert cheese slabs.
New VR Zone attraction lets you take on Godzilla in an attack chopper… Good luck with that.