Posted by Master Blaster (Page 94)
Two-dimensional fighting game Fight of Gods offends me deeply, but I wonder how religious people feel about it.
This restaurant-machine fusion is one small step for vending, one giant leap for vending-machine-kind.
Aichi resident makes surprisingly effective use of many of Japan’s beloved services to pull off his ill-fated forgery attempt.
If you don’t know your mizugumo from your kunai, then I’m afraid you might not be Mie University material.
Anyone planning to visit Japan in the summer better know which noxious lavatories to avoid.
With this neat little trick you can watch all the filth and depravity you want, even in public!
The boys learn a valuable lesson in pranking after importing two tablespoons of loose coarse fibers from South America for US$30.
Mazilu Beef Noodles of the respected Lanzhou Lamian family lands in the fierce noodle battleground of Tokyo.