Scott Wilson

After getting bored with high school French, Scott came to a crossroads in life whether to study Japanese or Native American Mohawk instead. Mohawk's lack of kanji was its ultimate downfall, and Scott hasn't looked back since. After years of non-stop sweating while working as a translator in sweltering Okinawa, he moved back to his native, delightfully frigid Massachusetts to work as a private Japanese tutor. His hobbies include re-reading One Piece for the hundredth time, dreaming about Shakey's Pizza, and getting feedback on stories he's written from both his wife and cat.

Posted by Scott Wilson (Page 33)

Japanese hostess club women share the top five unattractive things guys do all the time

Let’s break out the pencils, boys. It’s time to take some notes!

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Shiba Inu dressed up as Japanese yokai achieve new level of cute and spooky

Even the pets of Japan want to show their respects to the recently passed yokai author Shigeru Mizuki.

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Hamsters, Ebola & magic kanji: 7 tweets from Japanese office workers that went viral

If there were a Japanese office sitcom, you could expect to see some of these antics.

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Japanese dad teaches daughter how to handle alcohol, has Twitter in tears

This guy should teach Good Parenting 101.

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The ultimate Pokémon master quiz: is it a Pokémon or a big data company?

Can guess from the name what’s a Pokémon character and what’s a big data company? Some of these are surprisingly hard!

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Ghibli fans express their thanks to Miyazaki with six-second Vine masterpieces

Fans around the world say thank you to Hayao Miyazaki by creating some amazing art of their own.

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Japan Railways implements new innovation to make train tracks safer… for turtles?

Japan is already one of the safest countries in the world for humans, and now it seems it’s about to get a lot safer for turtles too…

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Tumblr artist designs Legend of Zelda movie posters in Studio Ghibli style

Just let us pretend for a little while that this amazing collaboration could actually happen.

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Man brandishes samurai sword in New York Apple store, allegedly attempts to commit seppuku

Someone took the phrase “cutting in line” way too literally…

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See America through the eyes of Chiura Obata, a Japanese artist from the early 1900s

Chances are you’ve never heard of Chiura Obata. Well, all that changes now.

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Need a gift to ensure your friends never forget you? How about a ridiculously huge teddy bear!

Ready to troll your friends by sending them a traditional incredibly inconvenient Japanese gift? Then read on!

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“I was reaching for a towel when…” — Cat’s attempt at camouflage fails adorably

Is that a cat pretending to be a towel, or a towel pretending to be a cat?

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In Japan, a professional chef will come to your home and cook for you—and your cat【Video】

Nestlé Japan is offering a new service which allows cats and their humans to dine together. Are you ready to go where no pet owner has gone before?

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Check out the ninja-like table wiping skills on this Japanese waiter!

You’ve never seen table wiping like this before.

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Transforming kanji watches not so great for telling time, perfect for being awesome

With the advent of cellphones, wristwatches have become less and less common, meaning makers have had to get more and more creative capture the attention of customers. One perfect example is this Japanese watch company that has started selling watches that use transforming metal kanji characters to tell the time!

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Japan’s top baby names for 2015: Will Naruto-influenced monikers still reign supreme?

Choosing a name for your newborn son or daughter can be tough. Not only are you responsible for bestowing a name upon another human being—a collection of vowels and consonants that that will stick with them for life and likely have a profound effect on how people initially perceive their owner—but if you live in a country like Japan, then you not only have to choose the baby’s name, but how it will be written in kanji characters as well. Talk about pressure.

But that’s the reason we have baby name lists! For the past two years we’ve been keeping track of the most popular names for baby boys and girls in Japan, and this year we’re keeping up the tradition. Take a peek at what trends are spreading through Japan by seeing which names are in this year and which are out.

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Shangrila, a maid cafe staffed exclusively by cute “plump” girls, opens in Akihabara【Pics】

We’ve seen all kinds of maid cafes all over Japan, from ones that specialize in zombie girls to ones where the girls seductively make rice balls right in front of you. But one type of maid cafe that has been sorely lacking is one dedicated to girls with a fuller figure, the kind of girls known in Japan by the playful monicker of marshmallow girls.

But all that changes now! Shangrila is a maid cafe that recently opened in Akihabara, and it will be staffed completely by more well-rounded young women. What kind of stuff does a cafe like this have in store for its customers? Read on to find out!

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Oddly satisfying: Sharpening master turns rusted blade back into brand new knife【Video】

The Japanese have a knack for doing things in such a way that are just satisfying to watch. Whether it’s traditional Japanese carpenters putting together pieces of wood perfectly or a grown man in a pink bunny suit bonding with rabbits, there’s no shortage of videos that make you feel like everything is right in the world.

And the next video to add to the list of things to make you go “ahh:” a Japanese knife-sharpening master turning a rusted kitchen knife into what could pass for a brand new tool. Prepare to feel like the air around you tastes a little sweeter as you watch the rust melt away with his delicate yet masterful technique.

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The “Nintendo PlayStation”: a look at the console that could’ve changed gaming history【Video】

For most modern gamers, the idea of rival video game giants Nintendo and Sony collaborating on a project is pretty much unthinkable. But believe it or not, back in the day when the Super Nintendo was king, Sony and Nintendo were supposed to team up to make a new console. Unfortunately the deal went sour, and it was thought that all prototypes of the mythical Sony-Nintendo console were gone.

Until now. A working copy of what has been dubbed the “Nintendo PlayStation” was recently brought to light and shown off online for the world to see. Join us after the jump to witness what could’ve been…

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We visited Rabbit Island in a bunny suit covered in food, to become a rabbit ourselves【Photos】

People all over the world have heard of Okunoshima, popularly known as “Rabbit Island.” It’s a tiny island off the coast of Hiroshima overflowing with adorable little bunnies who want nothing more than to smother you with love and eat your food.

But on our latest trip to Okunoshima, we wanted to go one step further: we wanted to be covered in as many fluffy bunnies as humanly possible. And what better way to do that than by becoming a bunny ourselves? Read on to see more of our pink, furry excursion.

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