How to make an origami face mask【Video】

Like a beautiful folded paper crane…for your face.

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Final Fantasy fans around the world share musical creations with Home de Chocobo challenge【Video】

Square Enix’s organizes stay-home salute to the lovable fantasy steed.

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Fan recreates the joy and frustration of the first steps into the survival horror franchise.

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Online poll ranks Japanese netizens’ favorite series from anime powerhouse studio Kyoto Animation

Kyoto Animation has a library of celebrated classics: which one came out on top?

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Studio Ghibli producer shows us how to draw Totoro【Video】

Come for Toshio Suzuki’s easy, step-by-step instructions, stay for the hidden Ghibli gems in the office

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Japanese pastry chef creates delicious cookie replicas of Yoshi’s Cookie【Photos】

These let you experience the Nintendo classic on a whole new level!

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Japanese bath hack: Toss iris leaves in the tub for a traditional shobu yu soak【Photos】

For health, happiness and just having fun!

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How well do you know your Japanese vending machines?【Quiz】

They’re everywhere and we use them every day, but how well do we really know them?

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Japanese train station installs chalkboards for people to write their post-corona hopes and dreams

Old-school design feature promises that happy days will come again and encourages community to share what it’s looking forward to.

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Cancelled summer Comiket goes digital with first ever Air Comiket, as the otaku spirit lives on

Fan creators and their fellow otaku weren’t deterred by the fact that they couldn’t be on-site to celebrate doujinshi culture!

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Tokyo cheerleader pub’s coronavirus countermeasures include full face shields for customers

Customers must also undergo four-stage disinfecting process before being seated.

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Flour products sell online for outrageous prices in Japan as demand for them skyrockets

As the Ministry of Agriculture urges everyone to stay calm and rest assured that there is no shortage of flour

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Turn a self-isolation birthday into a tasty party celebration with this smart hack from Japan

All you’ll need is one slice of cake and the mind of a ninja

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Anime pro’s awesome video shows how to beat stay-at-home boredom: Imagine you’re fighting a ninja

Dragon Ball and Fullmetal Alchemist veteran mixes real-world environment with amazing hand-drawn animation.

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New GU Pokémon collaboration: Worth the risk of catching coronavirus?

Japan might be under a state of emergency, but the only emergency these customers are worried about is not catching limited-edition Pokémon fashion.

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Secretive Ghibli Museum starts video diary to give glimpse inside anime attraction【Videos】

The shrine to Hayao Miyazaki’s anime studio famously doesn’t allow guests to take photos or videos, but now it’s sharing its own!

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Living doll model Matt transforms into a mosquito for surreal new insect repellent commercials

“Bizarre” only begins to describe the strange imagery seen in this new series of commercials as we begin prep for bug season.

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Almost certainly the best fermented Japanese soybean pencil case ever made is here

If you can find a better natto pencil case, we’d love to see it.

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Once he was just a junior high kid who drew a Mega Man robot, but now he’s one of the most beloved comic artists in the world.

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Gluttony has no limits with Costco fried chicken larger than our face【SoraKitchen】

Just because you’re sheltering in place doesn’t mean you can’t treat yourself to the good food.

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