Posted by Master Blaster (Page 105)
“Big” is looking to be the operative word for next year’s Japanese pop culture themed attractions.
Usher in the holiday season with a huge mound of “rice cooker roast beef” using our all-too-easy recipe.
Eggs with white yolks and citrus scents are among the luxurious offerings on deck at this all-you-can-eat deal in Tokyo.
SpaceWorld’s “Aquarium of Ice” has been under fire by animal rights supporters for their unique attraction. But is it really all that it seems?
Russian President Vladimir Putin shows his playful side by only making a veiled threat against neighboring countries.
You really ought to check out the video, because screenshots don’t do justice to this visually impressive game for Android and iOS devices.
If the name is any indication, the Kobe Disco Train promises to be a more uptempo and commercially viable version of a soul train.
Snack food company Calbee is playing with fire by expecting people to swallow their new concept potato chips: “Wet Potato, Moist Mild Soy Sauce Flavor.”
The two suspects are seen as the latest entrepreneurs in Japan’s burgeoning field of “Voyeur Hunting.”
We discover that it is possible to order thighs, breasts, or whatever piece of chicken you want in your bucket of Original Recipe KFC, but there are rules.
Usually people would be happy to get a car for their birthday, but in this case we were giving Mr. Sato even odds that he might punch us.
You might see RocketNews24’s itasha, the Mr. Sato Car, driving through your neighborhood. Just follow the sounds of people retching!
Who beats out religious proponents and yakuza for the most feared customer to encounter at a mobile phone counter?
RocketNews24’s P.K. Sanjun goes in search of the overall ages where women are at their hottest. His finds both surprised him and proved a little controversial.
Suspect denies touching victim for sexual reasons because he was “actually” trying to rob someone else.