poop (Page 2)

PooPaint Toilet paper lets you make art with your poop

Not just for potty-training children!

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Poop Kanji-Drill toilet paper is the best way to accomplish your Japanese studying doo-ties

Now you too can review on the loo!

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Poo emoji hand signals go viral on Japanese Twitter

Send your friends the gift of poop…using nothing but your hands.

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Virtual YouTuber Kagura Mea Recounts Story of Receiving Poop From Hater

The story has a surprising twist.

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Nagoya teens arrested for pooping off the roof of building, posting video on net

The literal and proverbial s#&t has hit the fan for one pair of boys.

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Mr. Sato gets dazzled by multicolored poop at the Poo Museum in Yokohama

Everybody (loves) poops.

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Those aren’t hearts the penguin is dancing around.

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Why does my cat’s poop stink so much? Japanese scientists bust the myth behind feline turds

It’s neither diet nor parasites, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

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Kyoto city deals with doggy doo problems on its streets using nothing more than chalk

Operation Yellow Chalk” is making waves for how incredibly simple yet effective it is at getting people to pick up after their pet.

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Poop Exhibit in Tokuyama Zoo this summer, 13 animals’ excrement on display to smell and touch

The zoo has planned a highly interactive exhibit allowing visitors to be completely immersed in animals’ pooh.

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Learn kanji with the magical power of poop!


These new textbooks are the shit, you guys.

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We tried Mama’s Poop served fresh from a Tokyo eatery

But is it really as good as mom used to make?

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Japanese science museum in deep doo-doo after displaying false facts about poop

Oopsie-poopsie! This science museum reminds us all of the importance of doing proper research.

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We find the crappiest capsule toy out there… literally

What’s brown, lumpy, and can now be purchased via capsule toy machines in Japan? If you guessed “a turd,” then you have a gross mind, but are also entirely correct!

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Japanese man shares photo of near-perfect ‘poop emoji’ in hand cream, Twitter goes nuts

When Japanese Twitter user @nasuiro posted this picture of a blob of hand cream last week, he probably had no idea that it would end up being retweeted over 41,000 times

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We try civet poop coffee【Taste Test】

Human beings are endlessly inventive when it comes to food. From curried cicadas to snake soup to lemon and mint Pepsi, we never stop inventing new ways to follow the evolutionary imperative to stuff our faces with calories. And while I’m generally a cultural relativist when it comes to “weird” foods, sometimes there is a concept so out-there, you can’t help but say it’s bizarre.

Like kopi luwak, coffee made from beans that have been through the poop shoot of a tree cat. We’ve all heard of it, and it sounds revolting, but have any of us ever actually tried it? Why, yes, actually…

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Keep your skin clear with a poop smear! We swear it’s not as crazy as it sounds

We’ve seen a lot about poop in the news recently. From poo curry to toilet museums to pooping on an airplane, you might think you’ve seen it all. But now we bring word of something you probably never expected: turd-infused facial soap.

Wait! We promise this isn’t as crazy as it sounds. In fact, the poop soap is based on a centuries-old beauty technique used in Japan. What’s exactly in it and why would anyone in their right mind want to use it? We’ll give you the straight poop after the jump!

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New Tokyo restaurant promises food that tastes like crap: actual poo-flavored curry

It’s getting harder and harder to be truly original these days, and nothing much seems to surprise anymore. And then something like Curry Shop Shimizu opens in Tokyo. This is a real curry restaurant that specializes in poo-flavored curry.

The very notion of that is sure to send a flurry of questions up to the old cranium, the biggest one no doubt being “How do they know what poo tastes like?” Well, they actually have a good explanation for that, along with answers to other questions you may be pondering…

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Toilet slides and turd hats: welcome to Tokyo’s crappiest exhibition

Imagine crowds of Japanese families donning poop-shaped plush hats and sliding into a huge toilet. No, this isn’t a scene from a dream brought on by a questionable bowl of ramen, this is just one of the many surreal exhibits from a Tokyo educational expo that organizers hoped would inspire visitors to “gain an increased appreciation of toilets.”

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