Casey Baseel

Born and raised in Los Angeles, Casey Baseel spent his formative years staring in frustration at un-subtitled Japanese TV programming shown on Southern California’s international channel. Taking matters into his own hands, he moved to Tokyo to study the language, then found work in Yokohama a decade ago teaching, translating, and marketing hotels he can’t afford to stay in. When not participating in the eternal cycle of exercising to burn the calories form his love of Japanese food, Casey scours used comic and game shops for forgotten classics, drags his wife around the country in a quest to visit all its castles, sings karaoke not nearly as well as he thinks he does, and counts the days until the summertime bars open on Enoshima Beach.

Posted by Casey Baseel (Page 323)

Most people in Japan outgrow this game by the time they finish grade school, but Kyoko Fukada had adults’ attention.

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Rare anime merchandise can sometimes be as expensive as a car, but this one is closer to the price of a house.

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Japanese dictionary’s definition of “LGBT” draws criticism for inaccuracy on the “T” part

Critics call for revision to brand-new edition of one of Japan’s most trusted and influential language resources.

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Awesome, free Final Fantasy travel brochures treat series’ locations like real tourism hot spots

Who wouldn’t want to go on a romantic Midgar Mako Reactor night view tour?

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The lovely booth ladies of Tokyo Auto Salon 2018【Photos】

Mr. Sato heads to Japan’s biggest tuner car event, where he finds out why one booth had its models wearing scarves.

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Cold weather along Japan’s northern coast assists in letting offender know what he did was not cool.

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Japan’s 100 yen stores have canned energy drink cocktails for under a buck, so we tried one

Truly, there is nothing you can’t find at Japan’s 100 yen stores.

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Wait, hot springs can freeze?

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Sailor Moon chocolates look amazing and are super-easy to make yourself with awesome mold

No magical powers required to create sweets, ice cubes, and juice snacks that look like the anime’s Silver Crystal and more.

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Japan’s French fry sundaes are here, but which one should you try? We find out【Taste test】

”What’s the best flavor for a French fry sundae?” is a question we never had to answer…until now!

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Want to know why Nintendo fans are so loyal? Because of touching stories like this.

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Sapporo police arrest 50-year-old man for entering women’s public bath

Suspect tells officers “I’m a woman.”

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Lovingly appropriate choice by wacky inventor asserts that mom isn’t gone, she’s just resting.

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There’s now a shortage-born resale market for Yoshiki’s beloved Japanese cheese snacks

Ginza-based snack maker warns of potentially inferior quality.

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Anime voice actress fan arrested for email telling her to “die die die die”【Updated】

Disillusioned fan also wanted to work at actress’ talent agency.

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Häagen-Dazs’ triple cherry blossom mochi ice cream promises Japan an early taste of spring

Because just two sakura-flavored ingredients still wouldn’t be quite enough.

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Girls’ feet-flavor fried chicken now on sale in Tokyo, promises smell, stickiness of real thing

Idol singer group’s strange follow-up to sweat-flavor karaage is now here!

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Japanese cram school gives students permission to smash window, break into building on test day

Also tells would-be burglars how long they’ll have until the cops show up in crazy display of educational commitment.

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Japan now has French fry ice cream sundaes thanks to fast food chain First Kitchen

Oft-forgotten burger joint now has our full attention with its decadent Western and Japanese-style combinations of fried food and ice cream.

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Touching Twitter manga shows how all the bad things about having a cat make having one wonderful

Illustrations show that sharing your life with a feline is one of our world’s happiest heartbreaks.

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