Moonlight motorcycle ride for two gets an unexpected third wheel, then things continue to get worse
Posted by Casey Baseel (Page 125)
125-year-old Tokyo school wants its boys to think of proper grooming as part of their “gentlemen’s education.”
As hit anime’s “Entertainment District Arc” kicks off, Edo-Tokyo Museum reaffirms commitment to telling the complete real-world story.
Shiny new old-school tech isn’t aimed only at people not ready to let go of what’s always worked for them.
Offers stays for solos travelers or pairs in cities from Tokyo to Sapporo, some with suites and included breakfasts.
Duelist gear gets a practical overhaul for the real world to ensure you get quality naps instead of junk sleep.
Concerns about level of violence in hit anime prompt Youth Committee to go for another ride on the Mugen Train.
Anime version of A.F. Harrold novel marks Studio Ponoc’s return to feature-length theatrical anime.
Mokotanmen Nakamoto’s owner is considered a hot ramen chef by multiple definitions, but can Mr. Sato borrow his style?
Symbol of Hiroshima is also a delicious sweet that travelers have loved for over a century.
Pokémon and Mister Donut lucky bags continue to be a sure thing for fans of the series and sweets.