Casey Baseel

Born and raised in Los Angeles, Casey Baseel spent his formative years staring in frustration at un-subtitled Japanese TV programming shown on Southern California’s international channel. Taking matters into his own hands, he moved to Tokyo to study the language, then found work in Yokohama a decade ago teaching, translating, and marketing hotels he can’t afford to stay in. When not participating in the eternal cycle of exercising to burn the calories form his love of Japanese food, Casey scours used comic and game shops for forgotten classics, drags his wife around the country in a quest to visit all its castles, sings karaoke not nearly as well as he thinks he does, and counts the days until the summertime bars open on Enoshima Beach.

Posted by Casey Baseel (Page 306)

New Makoto Shinkai short anime is a gorgeous music video partially set in Singapore【Video】

The director of anime Your Name gives us a glimmering glimpse of the beauty of the Asian nation, and also civil engineering.

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Japan’s Calpis beverage can leave a gross residue in some people’s mouths, and here’s why

It’s the name that turns many English-speakers off, but even people in Japan sometimes take issue the way Calpis can linger in your mouth.

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The proper response when your wife says “I can’t make dinner tonight?” Japanese Twitter debates

Exasperated wife says “OK. Should I pick something up for us instead?” is the wrong answer.

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The upside of dating a man whose hobby is joso, or cross-dressing as a woman【Interview】

Tokyo makeup artist tells us why having a joso-loving lover makes the relationship “twice as fun.”

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Foreigners welcomed to apply for jobs as designers on Nintendo’s new Legend of Zelda game

Why keep the job you have now when you could be creating Hyrule’s forests, dungeons, and monsters instead?

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Man complains about pregnant women on Japanese train, creatively gets told to shut up

Tactless choice of words reveals embarrassing detail about his personal life.

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Coca-Cola releases special anime-design bottle just for Japan

Designed by the studio behind the Fate anime franchise, the bottle is exclusive to one region of the country.

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When do Japanese women have their first kiss? Survey finds gap between different parts of Japan

One rural prefecture starts kissing long before any of its neighbors.

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Japanese Twitter user embarrassed to learn why American friend is studying Japanese, not Chinese

Reason goes beyond just “Because I like Japan.”

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Video shows a man out for a very atypical afternoon walk.

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Famous anime voice actress says she was once so poor she had to eat tissues

Before her salad days, voice of Haruhi Suzumiya says she couldn’t afford actual salad.

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Shun seafood sushi with new meat sushi lineup at Japan’s favorite kaitenzushi chain

Sushiro thinks outside the box by letting you stuff yourself with sirloin, kalbi, and chicken tempura sushi.

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Illustrator says one group loves Uniqlo, asks women to split the bill on dates.

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Dragon Quest virtual reality attraction opens in Tokyo, and we join the adventure

VR Zone Shinjuku dedicates a huge room to bringing the classic RPG to virtual life.

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Miss Magazine contest finalist can thank famous DNA for contributing to her good looks.

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Shocking news! Star Pokémon Pikachu’s design isn’t based on a mouse

Original designer reveals that the real inspiration for the “electric mouse” was a different animal altogether.

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Starbucks’ cool new Japan Geography tumblers will take you on a trip around the country

Local sites and foods of five prefectures proudly displayed on mugs, bottles.

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Universal Studios Japan roller coaster stops, leaves passengers dangling 98 feet above ground

Video shows prone passengers awaiting help in hours-long rescue operation.

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Japanese convict, nicknamed Lupin, busts out of island jail, swims to mainland, still gets caught

Three week manhunt comes to an end on quiet residential street in Hiroshima.

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Japanese bar hostess’ secret memo reveals how she really sees her customers

Cynics won’t be surprised, but unintended inside look at hostess bar shorthand still stings.

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