Casey Baseel

Born and raised in Los Angeles, Casey Baseel spent his formative years staring in frustration at un-subtitled Japanese TV programming shown on Southern California’s international channel. Taking matters into his own hands, he moved to Tokyo to study the language, then found work in Yokohama a decade ago teaching, translating, and marketing hotels he can’t afford to stay in. When not participating in the eternal cycle of exercising to burn the calories form his love of Japanese food, Casey scours used comic and game shops for forgotten classics, drags his wife around the country in a quest to visit all its castles, sings karaoke not nearly as well as he thinks he does, and counts the days until the summertime bars open on Enoshima Beach.

Posted by Casey Baseel (Page 315)

Japanese company’s fashion hoods let you add cute cat ears…to your cat

Putting a cat hat on a cat.

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Mr. Sato gets invited out to dinner by seven beautiful models, struggles to speak intelligibly

Our crack reporter finds himself the guest of honor at a party with models from the Tokyo Auto Salon.

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Shelf-stocking technique has some saying they’ll never shop at the branch, or even the chain, again.

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Super Mario is officially a plumber again, Nintendo says

Those Super Mario Odyssey royalty checks aren’t going to last forever, so it’s really about time the video game star rejoined the workforce.

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Final Fantasy Universal Studios Japan VR roller coaster shown off in cool rider experience videos

Airships, crystals, Cid, and even Chocobo popcorn buckets are part of the tie-up between the theme park and video game giants.

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As Tokyo’s otaku mecca continues to transform, a part of its past will fade away this month.

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Board of education suspends Japanese teacher who stockpiled 750 pairs of panties at school

High school educator might sound like a pantie thief, but it turns out he was actually a wannabe pantie merchant.

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Rural resident doesn’t have time for slow driver, somehow does have time to stop and call him a dumbass.

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Tour Akita Prefecture from the back of an Akita Inu Dog with Google’s adorable doggie Street View

The adorable breed of dogs introduces the Internet to its home in Japan’s northern Akita Prefecture.

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Japanese “mommy” team gives wake-up calls to adults so they won’t be late for work【Video】

Program aims to help new college graduates get ready for the start of grown-up working life, with voices ranging from anime-style to husky.

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At first glance, the kid in this photo looks to be floating in air, and at second glance…he still looks to be floating.

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How old is too old for a boy to go into the women’s hot spring bath in Japan?

Child development expert weighs in on the tricky question, offers a solution from Japan’s samurai-era past.

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Russia’s gold medal-winning skater gets a dog from Japan, picks an unusual Japanese name for it

Alina Zagitova wants to give her new Akita Inu a name that means “victory,” but there’s one thing she might be overlooking.

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Mr. Sato lives it up like a Harajuku schoolgirl, eats Japan’s longest soft serve ice cream cone

When it comes to battles against giant food, always bet on Sato.

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Sexy, shirtless, heavily-armed Japanese centaur promotes ramen and sports, of course【Video】

Believe it or not, there’s actually a perfectly logical reason this manly mythical beast needs both a sword and a gun.

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Japanese idol group bans all gifts from fans to teen singers to help protect their values

After fans continued to ignore requests regarding what types of presents are appropriate, group institutes blanket ban.

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Lingerie maker seeks to address the annoying problem called “PK.”

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While the drivers’ have their eyes on the road, some ladies in the back seat have their eyes on his capable hands.

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Our Japanese-born reporter gets some culture shock at Mexico City’s most popular sushi chain

Part of the meal was just fine, while another was “amazingly bad.”

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