Casey Baseel

Born and raised in Los Angeles, Casey Baseel spent his formative years staring in frustration at un-subtitled Japanese TV programming shown on Southern California’s international channel. Taking matters into his own hands, he moved to Tokyo to study the language, then found work in Yokohama a decade ago teaching, translating, and marketing hotels he can’t afford to stay in. When not participating in the eternal cycle of exercising to burn the calories form his love of Japanese food, Casey scours used comic and game shops for forgotten classics, drags his wife around the country in a quest to visit all its castles, sings karaoke not nearly as well as he thinks he does, and counts the days until the summertime bars open on Enoshima Beach.

Posted by Casey Baseel (Page 65)

Critically acclaimed A-bomb manga Barefoot Gen excerpts removed from Hiroshima school curriculum

Elementary school students’ Peace Education lessons have included excerpts from manga by atomic bombing survivor since 2013.

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Speedy sakura?!? Revised cherry blossom forecast for Japan says flowers will bloom early this year

Updated prediction has sakura starting to appear in Tokyo almost a week earlier than expected.

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Sailor Moon Jimmy Choo collaboration adds Luna, Tuxedo Mask kiss, and Inner Senshi bags【Photos】

Shoes for fans who love Luna and don’t like high heels also revealed.

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Sailor Moon’s Senshi team up with Hello Kitty and Sanrio for pajama party crossover merch line

The Outer Senshi join the collaboration with Sanrio partners of their own!

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Japan’s craziest gadget maker made this gadget that was too crazy to succeed, but what is it?

Even by Thanko standards, this is seriously weird.

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Former otaku regrets wasting so much money as a kid, Dad tells him why it was money well spent

Spending money and wasting it are two different things.

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Mothra wants to dominate your home’s interior as a gigantically awesome tissue cover【Photos】

Godzilla’s kaiju colleague is the perfect way to add some giant monster flair to your living or work space.

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Is it OK to split the bill on a date in Japan? Survey asks what women and men of different ages think

Four times as many women in one age group expect the guy to pay for everything than in another.

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Mazda goes crazy in the sweetest way by making an insanely detailed chocolate Miata【Photos】

Celebrating Valentine’s Day with a car the world has fallen in love with.

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North Japan prefecture creates guide to help new foreign workers understand local language quirks

Yamagata dialect can be very different from the Japanese you learned in school, but this illustrated guide will have people telling you “Jondagodo!” in no time.

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Sony recommends confessing love with a PS5 present, Japanese gamers spot problems with the plan

Gifting a Valentine’s Day PlayStation 5 instead of chocolates in the classroom after school might not go so smoothly.

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Japanese pasta dish ranked 24th worst food in the world, but does it deserve that dishonor?

List shows no love for the pasta dish that’s loved by many in Japan.

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Putting popcorn in your brownies is a great way to liven them up while skipping the nuts【Recipe】

Japan’s most popular popcorn brand gives us a great dessert that only takes a few minutes in the microwave to make.
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Giri? Tomo? Gyaku? A guide to Japan’s many different kinds of Valentine’s Day chocolate

There’s more to Valentine’s chocolate in Japan than the infamous “obligation” type.

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Student in Japan misses week of class after school won’t let him wear sweatshirt on snowy day

Student suffers fever after being told to take off extra layer on coldest day of the year.
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For-adults PreCure novels get re-release for grown-up fans of magical girl anime series

Just because you’re not a girl anymore doesn’t mean you have to leave the magical girl adventures behind.

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Pastrami donuts? Krispy Kreme Japan has crazy palate-cleanser after all that Valentine’s choco

Chain’s newest donut burger also has two special condiments spread inside it.

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Only one demographic in survey is happy about Japan’s workplace obligation Valentine’s chocolate

And no, it’s not old men.

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Want to wear a student uniform to Tokyo Disneyland? Uniform rental shop opens just outside park

Men’s and women’s uniforms offered to add an extra youthful fun aura to your Tokyo Disney photos.

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Finally! Ridable Catbuses are being added to the Ghibli Park theme park

Japan’s biggest carmaker is building a fleet of eco-friendly feline EVs to help fans navigate the sprawling anime-themed destination.

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