animals (Page 18)

A visit to a cat theater in Tokyo as cat cafe holds movie night【Photos】

The audience is asked to refrain from talking during the movie, but purring is totally OK.

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Pokémon cosplay for cats: New gacha capsule toy series from Japan

Six Pocket Monster characters to suit all types of furry felines.

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In a country that always appreciates a nice chest, this sexy beast is the latest Internet star.

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Tokyo braces for potential rat infestation as Tsukiji fish market closes

Moving day has come and gone for the people and fish, so next it’s the landmark’s rat population that’ll be looking for a new home.

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Witness regrets letting “destiny” slip through his fingers after the unexpected meeting.

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Kitty Rollcake Tunnel and Fruits Tart Cushion promise purrfectly pampered (and palatable) pets

These sweet-treat accessories will add a decorative and mouth-watering flair to your pet’s home just in time for the winter holidays.

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In Japan, you can now get issued an official license plate with adorable cat prints on it

Japan’s love of silly puns merges with its love of cute animal motifs.

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Japanese town refuses to pay bear patrol hunting club as animals spotted on streets, at harbor【Vid】

”It’s like they’re saying the money is more important than our lives” says frustrated hunter.

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Adorable cats from Japan impede drum practice, get our hearts drumming too【Video】

There are no rules that say a cat can’t play the drums, but these two definitely need a few more lessons before they go pro.

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If cats are cute, and babies are cute, cats acting like babies must be just about the cutest thing ever, right?

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If this adorable Shiba dog can learn to speak a word in Japanese (and he has), so can you【Video】

Yeah, yeah, people say Japanese is a hard language to learn. But Beni shows that even a humble pooch can pick up some vocabulary.

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Even amphibians love Japan’s unmanned drink dispensers, but what do you do if you want your change?

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Ridiculously buff cat has the bodybuilder physique of dreams, sparks jealousy in netizens’ hearts

“What could that be out…*flexes*…there?”

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A Japanese family wondered why water placed on their family alter kept disappearing. Turns out a furry relative was to blame!

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Tokyo cat cafe reopens weeks after virus outbreak kills over 25 percent of its feline population

Adopts new inoculation policy, offers to pay for medical expenses for customers’ own cats.

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Don’t give up, little guy! Not because you can catch them, but because it’s so adorable to watch you try.

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Cat Cafe Mocha in Tokyo shuts down after cats die from feline parvovirus outbreak

News of the deaths was first leaked by an anonymous source online, who was outraged when the cafe remained open, posing a risk to more animals.

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Visitors to one of the most beautiful places in Japan document the four-legged mafia’s adorable M.O.

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Japanese netizens share amazing anecdotes of cats understanding human speech

Heartwarming tales from multiple netizens suggest that cats, especially stray “boss” cats, are smarter than we thought.

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