Three Japanese companies are working together to help show the importance of a good night’s sleep. Read More
health (Page 2)
Our newly single reporter Seiji devises and tests three methods that could only come from a mind like his.
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Japanese TV issues heatstroke alert, says to avoid exercise, keeps showing high school baseball game
Game tells you which Pokémon you sleep like, and the better you snooze, the more Pokémon friends you make.
We find out if people in Tokyo are ripping off their masks and throwing them to the wind in light of the new changes.
Even with government plans to downgrade the coronavirus to the same danger level as seasonal flu, many plan to stay masked up.
Tochigi-born model asks for fans’ support in new role.
Proposed amendment comes as Japan is expected to announce timetable for unrestricted inbound tourism.
COCOA is coming to a close in the latest relaxation of coronavirus countermeasures in Japan.