
Orange Juice Crisis ’24 – Japan’s OJ supplies drying up

Multiple factors making orange juice hard to sell/buy in Japan.

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The phantom juice only available from vending machines at JR East train stations

Only on sale for a limited time, and in a very limited area.

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Tokyo juice vending machine also gives you…a hammer?!?

Stop, hammer and juice time!

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Tropicana’s Japanese licensee in hot juice for cartons that boast “100% Melon Taste”

All the taste of melon with hardly any of the melon!

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What’s on the all-you-can-drink menu at Denny’s Japan? 【Family Restaurant Drink Bar Showdown】

Join us as we size up the drink bar options at Japan’s top family restaurants, starting today with a trip to Denny’s.

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New Tokyo vending machine has nothing but apple juice, but all different kinds from Japan’s north

A taste tour of Tohoku is waiting inside two Tokyo train stations.

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Believe it or not, this building isn’t abandoned, it’s open for business.

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New Yahoo! News Juice bar in Harajuku squeezes headlines to make your free custom drink

The latest pop-up Tokyo juice bar grants you a custom juice based on a Yahoo! News article, its comments and post date!

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Japanese festival serves up juice in I.V. bags to keep you hydrated and healthy【Pics】

There’s no refusin’ this delicious transfusion!

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Japanese Twitter falls in love with unusual vending machine in Akihabara

There’s good reason why people from around Tokyo are making the trip to Electric Town to get a taste of these special beverages.

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Japanese vending machines now stock Pikachu drinks!

Recharge your batteries with Pikachu juice, in three gorgeous designs.

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This eye-catching tomato juice is golden — literally!

Wait, what kind of juice did you say this was?

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Double Drink Bottles a Hit in Korea, Especially with the Hopelessly Indecisive

RocketNews’ ever faithful correspondent, Kuzo, stumbled upon a new type of drink while traveling abroad.  The bottle is divided down the middle with one side containing 100% orange juice and the other holding grape juice.

The cap has two separate spouts and lids, so if you want a sweet treat of grape juice just do that side. If you feel a cold coming on then go the other way for a vitamin C boost.

Or if you want to really take a walk on the wild side, flip them both up for a very loosely mixed orange/grape blend.

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Lemony Life Hack – Squeeze More Juice From Your Lemons!

Whether it’s a savory slab of salmon, or a sweet cheesecake, lemon juice can enhance a multitude of foods. But the squeezing of lemons to get their fresh juice is often tedious and seems to bear little reward. How do you all normally squeeze lemons? Most people typically cut it in half and get to squeezing straight away. But there’s a method that will yield much much much more juice, as we present below:  Read More

Japanese Shoppers Buying Tomato Juice Like There’s No Tomorrow, Or Like There’s A Fat Tomorrow

Supermarkets all across Japan have been struggling to keep up with demand for that barely-tolerated gritty beverage known as tomato juice.  This is the latest in an ongoing series of food fads many in the country believe to be effective in reducing weight like cabbage and bananas.

At the beginning of February one supermarket in Osaka had a well-stocked shelf of tomato juice daily, most likely catering to the odd person avoiding blood clots or making Bloody Marys.  However, on the weekend of February 10, hordes of shoppers descended on their supply of juice like so many locusts on a farm.  By the 14th, the staff was turning desperate dieters away as new shipments could not reach them in time.
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