Casey Baseel

Born and raised in Los Angeles, Casey Baseel spent his formative years staring in frustration at un-subtitled Japanese TV programming shown on Southern California’s international channel. Taking matters into his own hands, he moved to Tokyo to study the language, then found work in Yokohama a decade ago teaching, translating, and marketing hotels he can’t afford to stay in. When not participating in the eternal cycle of exercising to burn the calories form his love of Japanese food, Casey scours used comic and game shops for forgotten classics, drags his wife around the country in a quest to visit all its castles, sings karaoke not nearly as well as he thinks he does, and counts the days until the summertime bars open on Enoshima Beach.

Posted by Casey Baseel (Page 99)

This Japanese supermarket has either the kindest or cruelest slogan, but no one’s sure which

We have it all? Keep your mouth shut about our poor selection? It could go either way, because of a Japanese language quirk.

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Is this spicy Japanese condiment the secret to making desserts more delicious?【Taste test】

We heard yuzu kosho can spice up our desserts, so we put it to the test.

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Life-size Pikachu figure that wirelessly charges electronics fills us with joy/jealousy【Video】

And he’s not the only Electric-type Pokémon that can juice up your real-world phone.

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Why are some types of Japanese rice written with completely different types of Japanese writing?

Katakana is usually for foreign words, but there’s a whole class of Japanese-grown rice that has katakana names.

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Nara Park’s first baby deer of the year has been born, is totally adorable【Video】

Local animal welfare association has important request for people visiting the park during birthing season.

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This special Tokyo sightseeing cruise sails only once a month, shows city from new perspectives

The Ichinichi Yurari Tabi isn’t your typical short and standard trip.

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Which Japanese conveyor belt sushi chain has the best egg sushi?【Taste test】

Looking for egg-celence at Japan’s big four kaitenzushi restaurants.

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McDonald’s Japan’s newest east-meets-west dessert, the Shingen Mochi Pie is here, but is it good?

Trying out the taste of Yamanashi at the Golden Arches.

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Anime isn’t like reality – Shy girl ponytail edition

Artist makes a point about manga tales and ponytails.

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Rock legend Gene Simmons has no problem with otaku marrying their 2-D anime crushes

Can’t understand why someone would want to marry someone who’s not real? That’s not what’s important, Kiss frontman says.

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Edible One Piece Gum-Gum Fruit goes on sale in Japan【Photos】

May or may not make your limbs stretch like Luffy, but absolutely will be a dessert you’ll never forget.
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Eurobeat intensifies! Initial D sequel anime will stay the course with dance music soundtrack【Vid】

Accelerator down and volume up as MF Ghost pulls up with a new teaser and familiar sound.

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328-foot manga art made by foot in snow field to celebrate end of Hokkaido-set Golden Kamuy【Video】

A special goodbye to Sugimoto and Asirpa.

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Japan to start easing entry restrictions for foreign travelers next month, prime mister promises

Says Japan’s coronavirus countermeasures have proven successful.

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Japanese woman receives Kobe beef croquettes after waiting nine years, and she was lucky.

Backlog for Kiwami Croquettes has more than doubled in the near-decade she was waiting.

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Why are almost all women you see riding rickshaws in Japan cute? We ask a pro, learn two reasons

Our Japanese reporter has his impression confirmed.

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The giant bowling pins on the top of Japanese buildings often have a hidden second purpose

Your eye isn’t the only thing they’re supposed to catch.

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No more neckties! Japanese prefecture abolishes necktie dress code for government employees

Decision is a plus for workers and the environment.

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Good God what is this hideous anime plushie?!?【Photos】

And believe it or not the function it’s got a function besides “haunt your nightmares.”

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A creepy, unplanned visit to a Japanese ghost town…with ice cream!【Photos】

A trip to Kiyosato on “the train line closest to the heavens.”

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