Master Blaster

Writer / Translator

Master Blaster is the two-man translating team of Canada’s Steven Le Blanc and Japan’s Masami M, a pair who in addition to writing work are in English education and created the StudyNow app for Japanese students of English.

Together they have written somewhere around 1,500 articles for RocketNews24 covering such diverse topics as Chinese men selling sanitary napkins to each other and a Japanese guy dragging an ear of corn around the Tokyo train system. A few of these were actually good, but don’t take our word for it! Here’s what our beloved readers had to say:

“One isn't always in the mood for bold tastes. But when I'm in the mood for bold flavor I turn to you.”
“Stupid article. Who cares what the Japanese think it's cool. You don't call a monkey, "gorilla".”
“You know, this is about the most cogent explanation of how a turbocharger works that I have ever seen in the non-motorsports world.”
“Thanks for the article peter!”
“It's people like you who make exploitation possible.”
“It looks yummy and the story was great. Thank you for the smile.”

StudyNow App

Posted by Master Blaster (Page 57)

Japan’s greatest shirtless comedian Egashira 2:50 honored in new capsule toy line

You know you’ve made it in Japan when they make a series of capsule toys out of you.

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Demon Slayer themed okonomiyaki coming this July

Dohtonbori to undertake a daring new anime okonomiyaki tie-in.

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Satolgo 12: “The Sardine Gambit”

Commemorative sardine pack celebrates Japan’s deadliest assassin. We celebrate the second deadliest.

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Japan’s “strongest roach killer” is frighteningly effective… We mean FRIGHTENINGLY effective

Fumakilla promises to kill all roaches in your home, but you have to ask yourself if that’s what you really want.

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Bento shop staff punished part-timer by piercing her nose, cutting all hair off, and more

Attackers’ twisted, violent tendencies have resulted in third arrest in as many months.

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Kyoto man arrested after clerk mishears him say “I have SARS.”

Wrongfully accused man also loses job after being labelled as “the SARS guy.”

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Toyama Prefectural University able to locate potential COVID-19 clusters from raw sewage

You too might be able to save lives just by staying regular!

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SoraNews24 staff smells boss’ unwashed socks that have been worn for five-days straight

Look, we don’t come to your job and question everything that you do.

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Toilet paper miracle ends 11 harrowing minutes in a Harajuku McDonald’s restroom

A valuable lesson for us all in our reporter’s darkest fraction of an hour.

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Osaka’s iconic giant pufferfish may disappear due to COVID-19

The city’s once-bustling tourist areas may never look the same.

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Convenience store fried chicken gets approved as food for Japanese space program

Ground control to Major Tom… Take your Karaage-kun and put your helmet oooonnnnn…

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Japanese mascots endangered by effects of coronavirus

Is there a place for melon bears and ninja yams in post-corona Japan?

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These models don’t exist: New agency offers AI generated models for commercial use

Company boasts scandal-proof faces for all your marketing needs.

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Would a pizza made with pizza-flavored potato chips yield a super pizza?

Just follow Uncle Pizza’s easy recipe to find out!

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Drum-maker Pearl repurposes hi-hat pedals into alcohol dispensers

A great way to beat COVID-19 and other infectious diseases.

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Over 2,000 people march in support of Black Lives Matter in Osaka

Turnout to two-hour march through downtown blew away expectations.

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Formerly Mario-themed go-kart rental service opens crowdfunding to save their business

Hard times for the once-thriving Tokyo tourist attraction.

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Mie Prefecture to become first in Japan to ban outing LGBT individuals

Outing will soon be officially out in Mie.
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Japanese man breaks own world record for Super Mario 64 blindfolded speed run

It’s a me, muscle memory!

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Osaka asked not to directly rub goblin god’s feet as things slowly return to normal in the city

We’re not quite at the Billiken-foot-rubbing stage of normalcy yet.

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