One Piece and accessory store U-Treasure had two awesome announcements just in time for the holiday season.
DIY (Page 3)
Jeweler U-Treasure is joining forces with all your favorite pocket monsters so that you can brand them into cool accessories – by hand! Read More
If it’s good enough for your bedsheets, it’s good enough for your baby! Social media collectively wonders why they didn’t think of it first.
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It’s the perfect weapon to fight evil, and by “fight evil” I mean scare the crap out of your pets.
A year of driving the Mr. Sato itasha turned out to be far too long for its owner, so we bid it goodbye in the cheapest way we could.
100 yen shops have it all, including what you need to make your own customizable bath bomb!
The story behind this traditional Japanese knife makes the dramatic restoration even more satisfying.
A “really ordinary person from Australia” attempts to become famous in Japan and is making a film about it.
The DIY project, complete with an embedded graphics tablet, is inspiring digital illustrators everywhere.