Having trouble playing the game with one hand holding onto your umbrella? Now we’ll show you how to stay dry while keeping both hands free for catching Pokémon!
DIY (Page 4)
Arms tired from holding your smartphone in front of you all day? We’ll show you how to make this ingenious “Poké-Han“ mobile gaming accessory!
German-born Tokyo designer Anji Salz wows with this home-made Space Invaders kimono, and she’ll show you how to make your very own, too!
Over at YouTube channel AWE me, the men and women at Man at Arms recreate a realistic replica of Voltron’s Flaming Sword, because, uh… Why wouldn’t you?
Sub-meter decorative swords just not cutting it for you? Try this method for legendary blades of up to 1.82 meters (6 feet) that won’t slice into your budget too much.
A few dollars and a handful of materials are all you need to make your very own lightsaber—and this crafty father shows us how!
Apparently it’s possible to create something other than burned fingers when using hot glue.
Watch the step-by-step process of how to cook these cute, completely edible cup accessories yourself.
It’s like the saying goes: When life hands you a lobster, make a Psycommu-system-equipped mobile suit with it.
Do you love cup ramen, but hate boring technology? Then this mercilessly strict steampunk ramen timer is just what you need!
Christmas is over, but that doesn’t mean the magic of the season can’t live on. Check out these amazing snow globe accessories trending on Twitter!
If you’ve got the time and dedication, here’s one clever way to recycle your old analog TV monitor!
Find your purr-fect creativity outlet over the holidays and give these eight kitty-compatible DIY projects a try.
Halloween has already passed, but when you’re talking about amazing steampunk-inspired outfits and accessories, like these custom-made motorized goggles, who needs a reason to dress up? Check out how this crafty Japanese Twitterer turned some spare parts into a work of art!
We’ve all been there: you’ve been marathoning a TV series on your laptop, or maybe playing a game for way too long, and now your fans are going haywire and the whole computer is hot to the touch. What are you supposed to do? Put your viewing on hold and wait for your computer to cool? No way!
Thankfully one Japanese Twitter user has another solution: cover your computer in 10-yen coins. Read on to find out why this idea just might be crazy enough to work.
Halloween is less than a week away! Do all of you have your costumes ready?
If you’re still looking to add a nifty additional touch, then you can do as these handy DIY-ers on Twitter did and turn inexpensive, 100-yen (US$0.84) water guns into clever, steampunk-ish accessories. All it takes is some paint and a little creativity!
Have you ever wanted to lounge around in your own pair of Legend of Zelda pajama pants? How about snuggling up with a Mario Kart or Donkey Kong pillow? Well now thanks to Jo-Ann Fabrics, all of your Nintendo-related craft dreams can finally come true!
The U.S.-based arts and crafts retailer is now offering more yards of Nintendo-themed fabric than you can shake a Master Sword at. From Mario to Donkey Kong, Zelda to Pokémon, they have it all. Who says fully-grown adults can’t make their own homemade Pikachu PJs?