movies (Page 10)
Creator Hideaki Anno thanks “every Eva fan in the world,” asks them to watch it on a big TV.
Often-overlooked detail reveals why Studio Ghibli films connect with audiences on such a deep level.
It’s not even close as one answer tops the survey by more than a seven-to-one margin with the number-two pick.
Hate the anime if you want, but Hideaki Anno’s Studio Khara will not tolerate personal attacks, no matter where in the world they come from.
After helping to animate the Hayao Miyazaki classic, veteran Studio Ghibli producer says Anno wants to make it without animation.
Godzilla the Ride: Great Kaiju Decisive Dominance Battle promises to “change the way you look at humanity, and Godzilla.”
Pixar’s hit franchise serves as the inspiration for a new class of Tokyo Disney Resort accommodations.