Japan (Page 808)

Possible return for hit manga Hunter x Hunter… before year’s end?

Will fans of the popular series be treated to new episodes before this year is over?

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Japan’s Bubbly Dance craze is back in its cutest incarnation yet【Video】

Japanese boy’s perfect version of the Bubbly Dance manages to be even funnier and more impressive than the original.

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Kyoto hotel’s Maiko-han Bar event lets travelers drink with geisha at amazingly affordable prices

Foreign guests welcome at lobby lounge function that sidesteps the cost and pretense of orthodox geisha services.
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New employee late to work in Japan shocks older coworkers by blaming the screw-up on “Mama”

Kids these days, amiright?

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Is it a burger? Is it a pizza? Yes, it’s both, and it’s Lotteria’s latest insanity

Vegetarian-friendly pizza-burger is the next Lotteria food mash-up, and it looks great.

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Took a decade off from Nintendo’s forest lifestyle simulator? Doesn’t matter, because your in-game friends haven’t forgotten you.

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Matcha meow! Green tea cat-shaped bread going on sale in Japan

Special black cat-version also joins bakery’s awesomely adorable lineup.

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Money-less Japanese diner offered chance to pay later, phones police himself

When store manager refuses to call the cops, man who can’t pay for his meal does it for him.

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Pudgy Pokémon Trainer and his cuddly pal casually pull off mind-blowing feats of strength in new Pokémon Sun and Moon episode.

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“Good on the floor?” Five funny times Google Translate drops the ball with Japanese idioms

Free online translation programs have come a long way, but they’re still far from perfect.

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Kobe set to light up “World’s Number-One Christmas Tree” in all its confusing glory

It’s soon to be official, Kobe will win Christmas this year, and with it, all of Santa’s gold.

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Japanese Kit Kats now come with edible birthstones

Take a peek inside this month’s exclusive Kit Kat birthstone box.

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Japanese city councilwoman stirs controversy by bringing baby with her to assembly hall【Video】

American-educated councilwoman says she want to be “a spokesperson for other people of my generation who are in similar situations.”

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Sushi Cake is returning to Japan for the holidays

Despite the elegant appearance, Sushi Cake promises to be as tasty as any other cake made from raw tuna and vinegared rice.

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Hamster anime song has Taiwanese club-goers throwing shapes in the church of dance 【Video】

Surreal scene as dancers in Taipei club go wild for remix of Japanese Hamtaro anime theme song.

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It’s story may be one of redemption, but the film adaptations of the hit anime/manga aren’t being cut any slack.

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Japanese company recognizes marriage with anime characters, provides family support benefits

Tokyo-based employer’s limited-time offer helps anime fans better enjoy life with their 2-D spouse.

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Hakone Beer will celebrate 20th anniversary, give away 1,500 beers at special Tokyo event

Free beer on tap! It doesn’t matter what else I write here. Free beer!

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Nagoya Castle reconstruction plan draws disabled citizens group complaint over lack of elevator

Desire for historically faithful reconstruction clashes with accessibility for wheelchair users.

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